C 4 : Uneasy

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Zac an cody arrived in Georgia about 45 minutes ago an for some reason zac was feeling Uneasy he bush it off an went ahead with his business .They arrived an Chicago real estate an was greeted by Anthony an his brother Akeem

Anthony : Welcome to Chicago Mr Taylor ,this is my brother Akeem

Zac : Its a pleasure to meet you both this looks even more beautiful than the pictures that I've seen

Akeem : Thanks let's give you a tour

* Akeem an Anthony give zac a tour cody already know the building but he still take the tour with zac , after thirty minutes zac was impressed with everything

Anothny : I take it you like everything ?

Zac : Yeah its cool

Akeem : Hmm this is China our little sister

Zac : Its nice to meet you china i see the hold family is into real estate

China : I guess you can say that " she said seductively " its lovely to meet you zac my brothers speaks highly of you

Zac : Good things i hope ?

China : You got nothing to worried about " laughing " hey cody

Cody : Hey .....he said dryly

China : Am hungry how about a little breakfast

Cody : " unsure " Okay

Zac : I could use a coffee

China : Great there's a little caffee shop down the road we can go there they served the best pancakes in Chicago

Cody : Word

Anthony : Sis can you take them we got a meeting with Mr Coleman

China : Sure bro

* Cody don't know why but he felt like something was up with her especially with the love eyes she was giving zac , Cody don't like karen but he knew china wasn't it either ....they left for the coffee shop but when they arrive Anthony called saying that MR Coleman would like to meet with zac personally ,so china went in and got the order

China : Hey fatima :

Fatima : Hey girl

China : Can i have the regular with two extras

Fatima : Yeah hold on

* Fatima got her order an they left ,while in the car zac an cody couldn't wait the smell of the pancakes was getting them hungry so they dive right in ...Cody was eating like he haven't eaten in days meanwhile the taste of the pancakes send zac back into memory lane if he didn't know any better he would say they taste just like hers " but that can't be possible considering she's no longer here " he bruh the feelings aside an eat his pancakes while thinking about her ....China was watching him in a seductive way meanwhile cody was too focused on eating his pancakes

They arrived back at the company an Zac an cody went right into work mood joining Anthony ,Akeem An Mr Coleman in the meeting ......The meeting lasted for an hour an Mr Coleman was impressed with the ideas that Zac an cody had come up to make there companies richer an global.

•••• A few hours later .....its now 6:30pm

Cody : Hey man you good ?

Zac : Yeah " he lied "

Cody : Hamm okay , am craving those pancakes from this morning wanna stop by an get some ?

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