C 17 : Seen a ghost

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Atlanta ......

Dahlia : Can you stay with me ?

Lori : Of course mama but i need you to go take a shower so i tuck you in okay

Dahlia : Can you stay forever ?

Lori : How about i stay a few days with you ?

Dahlia : Okay

Lori : but i need you to tell me what happen so i can help you

Dahlia : How will you help me?

Lori : How about you start by telling me what happen ? What did she do too you ?

** Dahlia Silent as the tears fall

Lori : I promise its okay an i want you to remember that nun of this is your fault okay

Dahlia : Do you know my mommy?

Lori : No mama i don't know your mommy but i heard she was beautiful just like you

Dahlia : " smiles " She is ! Do you think ill ever see her again?

Lori : One day but not right now

Dahlia : Why can't it be now ?

Lori : Because its not your time to go where your mommy is , she's protecting you an watching over you like your own guardian Angel

Dahlia : Then why did she let her hurt me? Isn't she supposed to be protecting me from harm or danger?

** Lori didn't know how to explain it to her but she knew she had to say something

Lori : When someone died they can't be here physically they can only watch from a far distance an am sure your nommy is hurting right now just as much as you are but i promise i won't let anyone hurt you

Dahlia : Dont make promises you cant keep aunty lori

Lori : Why do you say that? I've never broken a promise too you before

Dahlia : Zachary said the samething " tears falling " He was supposed to protect me but he let her hurt me i try to tell him but he wouldn't listen to me " she broke down in lori arms " Nobody ever listens to me i wanna go be with my mom

Lori : You don't mean that mama we all love you ,i love you an your granny loves you too even your dad loves you i know he hurt you an am not saying you need to forgive him now but i want you to know that he loves you very much an he's very sorry for not putting you first

Dahlia : He don't need me he has a baby on the way that's why he let her hurt me i hate him

* Lori heart broke when she said that its like she was reliving her child hood all over again so she just held her an let her cry

                               [ Over to zac an karen ]

Karen : Wtf is that supposed to mean?

Zac : Don't act fucking dumb karen you know wtf am talking about , my daughter has marks all over her body indicating that's she's being abuse " getting emotional " You know what i went through because you've been there since she was just 3 weeks old ...so why would you hurt her like this karen ? I trusted you with my fucking daughter

Karen : Ain't my fault she's a bastard child

* in that moment zac blank out an grab karen by her throat slamming her into the wall ,karen was trying to get free but he had a form grip on her neck

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