C 19 : New stories

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Fatima was about to walk away cause she wasn't going to fight him an have them both throw out of the hospital knowing dahlia needed her dad " well at least that's what she thought " but was stop by Madam.

Madam : If you walk out this hospital am gone beat your ass

Fatima : Let's just go " fighting back tears "

Madam : Look we didn't come this far for you to just up an leave without knowing if your daughter is okay " she paused" I get that everyone is confused an have questions an is hurting but so are you fatima....that is your daughter laying in there an she's gonna have questions that only you can answer .....He's hurt an he have every right to be but that is your child too an he has no right to tell you leave so you better get your ass back in there before i fuck shit up in here fatima an i mean it

Fatima : I wasn't leaving M i was just going to get some air ....she lied

Madam : Bitch no you wasn't

Fatima : Why are you trying so hard to get her to surface knowing how dark she is?

Madam : Because apparently your not thinking straight you came here to find your daughter an now that you did you just gonna walk away like nothing happen because he's in his feelings?

Fatima : I see the hurt an pain in his eyes M , He's been mourning me for so long an now finding out that am alive .........cut off

Jarome : An you've been mourning him an your daughter for eight years , so how hurt can he be? He's knows everything about her you dont . He don't even know your side of the story

Doris : From what i see that little girl is hurting an am not talking about you being dead either ....something else is bothering her an she's going to need you tima ....Go get your baby tima

Jarome : All she wanted was to be with you ....i know your feeling hurt an your probably blaming your self for what your mom did but that little girl don't care about that all she wants is her mother.....Give your self some grace fatima

*** Fatima wipe her tears away after listening to everyone she decided to stay an fight for her daughter even if that means she has to hurt the man she loves in order to do that .....She didn't say anything she just walk right back inside

Jarome : Why do i feel like fatima has left the building?

Madam : We about to find out

*** Back in side zac was a messed still trying to see if he was dreaming

Cody : Wtf is going on bro you said she was dead?

Zac : I dont know man that's what her mom told me

Cody : Look i know now is not the time for this but i did try to tell you that something about her being dead didn't set right with me .....besides whether you like it or not you can't Keep dahila away from her mother

Zac : Yes tf i can

Cody : No you can't because from what i can tell dahlia already met her an knows who she is .....lori said she wanted to go with her mom before she pass out .......an right now y'all dont have the best of relationship she's still upset with you so keeping her mom away from her knwoing how baldy she wanted her mother will only make things worse for you .Dont damage your relationship more than it already is because your ego is hurt put your child first for Once

Zac : fuck man

Cody : This isn't about you right now its about that little girl so put your big boy pants on an let that woman be here for her daughter an later y'all can talk about what really happened that night

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