C 14 : She's Alive

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Fatima was now panicking she ran under her mom desk cause that was her only option....with her breathing heavy she put her phone on silent just has her mom enter the room answering her phone .

Joy : Is everything in place for ATL?

Unknown : Yes it is

Joy : What about this morning assignment?

Unknown : Taken care of an she was on sight as planned but left with her friends

Joy : Fuck ! She was supposed to be there when the cops arrived

Unknown : I guess she's smarter than you think

Joy : I had it all planned out an knowing her she would stick around to ask questions

Unknown : Well she left with her friends

Joy : I hate those two bitches

Unknown : You want me to handle them ?

Joy : Not yet they haven't crossed me yet

Unknown : So what you wanna do ?

Joy : We need another plan

Unknown : Are you sure you wanna put her in jail ?

Joy : She won't be in jail just somewhere for a few days she will be safe an protected

Unknown : You sure that's a good idea?

Joy : She's asking questions that she has no business asking i need her gone for a few weeks to get things handle an i can't do that with her asking questions

Unknown : How about we kidnapped her?

Joy : Hmm let me think of something an ill get back too you i don't need tyrell asking questions he's already suspicious

Unknown : Okay let me know when you get a plan , as for the ATL  project when should we move on him ?

Joy : Is the little girl home ?

Unknown : No she's staying with her grandma

Joy : Fuck that wont work i need them together " Thinking " wait have them set it up for all three of them

Unknown : Got you

Joy : Oh one more thing i dont know how but jacobi found out at " 1999/10/31 "

Unknown : Wtf Brianna ! That was supposed to be sealed

Joy : It is sealed well at least i thought it was

Unknown : Then how tf did he found it ?

Joy : We need to find Marcus

Unknown : Fuck that will be a difficult assignment that nigga change his name after that night

Joy : Fuck i forget about that , find miss Margaret she might know what name he's going by

Unknown : This is not good Brianna this can end badly if that information gets out

Joy : You think i dont know that Nicolas

Nicolas : Then get him under control or he is next....the line cut

* Fatima couldn't believe what she just heard it was so much happening at once with so many unanswered questions , With her tears flowing an so many emotions she was having a hard time breathing while still trying to be quite under the desk not hitting anything to get her mom's attention ....she wanted to confront her right there but she know she won't get answers but what stuck with her the most is why tf is he calling her  Brianna?" & Who tf is Nicolas an what does ATL means an who is she trying to kill ? An what's so important about 1999/10/31 ?

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