C 26 : Backstory pt2

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Fatima : Am sorry repeat that for me

Tyrell : I said it wasn't your mom it was her Twin sister Brianna

** Fatima got up now pacing the floor back an forth she remember the day she was in her moms study when someone called her Brianna an the folder that has 1999/10/31.

Fatima : You never know she was a twin?

Tyrell : No like i mentioned your mom never talked about her family she did mention a sister once but nothing  that say she was a twin

Fatima : How could you not know the mother of your child ?

Tyrell : Fatima your mom an joy/ Brianna are identical twins an i never meet her so it was hard to tell ........she walks , talks an act just like your mom

Fatima : Am sure things was different with me an her

Tyrell : Actually it was you stop taking her breast milk well at least at the time that's what she said an i ask her why is that ....she said her doctor say that she's been under alot of stress with loosing her family so that will affect the breast milk so the doctor put you on formula until her milk started coming again which never happen .......For the first month after loosing her family you wanted nothing to do with her you would cry an scream your little life away ...i thought it was strange but again she said that it was normal for a baby to cry so much ....i didn't put much thoughts into in even thought i felt like something was off

Fatima : Wow you felt something was off but did nothing about it

Tyrell : What was i supposed to do i scheduled an appointment with her dotor an he said the samething your mom said so they was nothing i could have done

Fatima : How did things change? she ask frustrated

Tyrell : Of that i have no idea because i had a business contract in vegas that needed my attention we was opening up a casino to start cleaning some of the money ...the loaction was ready an the permit was ready to uplift i told your mom an she told me to go i declined her offer an told her it could wait because i wanted to be there for her but she assured me she was going to be fine an was going to manage alone .....I offer to hired some help to give her time to focus on you an she agree i left one week later to spend two weeks in vegas but i ended up spending two months " he sighs " I stayed until the cansio was finished building an i had a lot of unattended business so i decided to kill two birds with one stone besides joy / Brianna had everything under control an you was getting use to her again so i stay to finish up business so i wont have to go back in a rush

Fatima : Did you find out who kill my mom ?

Tyrell : Unfortunately no who ever did it cover there tracks very well beisdes i never like her parents an since i had my woman an child or so i thought i didn't see the need to follow it up beisdes joy said she didn't want to continue the investigation so the police close the case an i had no room to argue so i agree

Fatima : When did you find out about all this ?

Tyrell : A few days ago as i mention prior about the PI he give me this family photo of your mom

*** he gives fatima the photo an it was clear as day that she couldn't even tell which one is joy / Brianna so she had no room to be angry at her dad when she her self couldn't tell the difference an she's known the woman for 24 years

Fatima : Wow " tears falling " Which on is my mother ?

Tyrell : You mother has on the red top an joy is wearing the pink

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