C 22 : Wrong Target

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Karen : Hey baby

Unknown : Hey baby am here in Atlanta

Karen : Are you coming to see us?

Unknown : Of course i am give me a few hours i got some business to handle

Karen : Okay i love you

Unknown : I love you too

*** She lay down with her eyes close

Karen : Wtf !!! She jump up

Fatima : Do you know who i am?

Karen : " confused " Your supposed to be dead

Fatima : " Laughing " You want a fucking cookie bitch ?

Zac : Fatima

Karen : Wait you know she was alive? You bring your bitch in......before she could finish fatima snatch her off the bed dragging her by her hair landing punches in her face

Zac : Fatima stop

Madam : If you touch her i promise you she wont save you

Zac : She's pregnant

Madam : Its you defending a fucking bastard child when the child that you know is 100%  yours is fighting for her fucking life

Miss pat : Stop her please

Fatima : How could you do that to a fucking child " punch " This is for my daughter " punch" for the pain you put her through " punch " everynight you made her go to bed hungry" punch " every time you hit her " punch " At this moment fatima was giving her blow after blow an karen was unconscious but fatima was still beating her bloody .....Madam saw the doctors an nurse coming an grab fatima off of karen

Dr mike : What's going on he.....Omg call security

Madam : I won't do that if i were you

Dr Mike : All of you out

* Madam was having a hard time calming fatima down an restraining her so zac stepped in

Madam : Get your hands off of her

Zac : You can do what tf you want but its obvious that you can't control her so you either let me try or we all go to jail

Madam : Nigga who tf is we ?

Zac : You really wanna do this now ?

* The two was busy going back an forth neither of them see fatima went back to beating karen ass with the dr on the floor holding his nose

Dr mike : Security ! security

Madam & Zac : Shit

Madam : Get her out of here

Zac : Come on T

Madam : Fatima

Fatima : Get off of me Zachary this is all your fucking fault you let this bitch hurt my baby ....she said holding onto a bloody an unconscious karen , zac was getting frustrated so he grab fatima an take her out the room

Madam : Everyone come with me

Lori  : Y'all are fucking crazy to think we are going with you

Cody : We will wait here on zac

Madam : Cody is it?

Cody : Yes

My Evil Stepmomحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن