2 - cruel summer

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      JJ told the girl, as she stuck a plaster over the top of the gash on her knee.

"Oh, stop being dramatic JJ, it's just a graze" She said "Besides look at this shit" she groaned, picking up a note from John B and Pope.

Gone to surf the surge, stay safe Little Gil

"Those are my guys!" JJ exclaimed, and Holly rolled her eyes.

"Come on Maybank, there's a storm coming, gotta make the most of the power before it goes out –" However she was quickly cut of by her phone ringing next to her. Holly picked up her phone and groaned at the contact's name.

"Who is it" the blonde boy asked.

"Adam" She sighed picking up the phone, and both JJ glance at her, at the sound of her eldest brother's name.

"What do you want, pothead?" She asked into the phone.

"Where are you?" was his reply.

"None of your concern."

"Mum wants you home tonight, there's a storm coming, it's not safe".

"Then why didn't she call me herself?" Holly argued.

"Work". He replied stubbornly and she scoffed.

"Yeah, whatever. I'll be home tomorrow, Adam, to pick up some clothes".

"No the fuck you won't" Came a new voice, and she groaned again.

"Why are you here to pester me as well William".

"Don't call me that" And she smirked at her other brother's annoyance. "Please just come home Hols, it's not safe out there" he said to her, repeating Adams words.

"I'll think about it" She lied, winking at JJ, as smirks grew on the two boys faces. "Bye Will, bye Adam"

"Holly Louise Gil –" and she ended the call before they could get her last name out. She sighed and rubbed her temples before turning to face her friend.

"You're staying yeah?" JJ asked.

"Hell yeah" She smirked.



      John B called to his two blonde friends as they pulled out the pull-out bed, before he closed the door to his room. Holly didn't waste anytime jumping into the bed, pulling the covers up to her nose, making JJ chuckle. The girl couldn't help but watch as JJ pulled his shirt over his head and off, throwing it on the back of a chair.

"Like what you see?" He smirked at her, noticing the location her eyes were set on.

"In your dreams" She scoffed, turning around to face away from the boy as he got into the bed next to her. She jumped slightly as she felt him wrap his arms around her waist, locking her into his chest like a teddy bear, but relaxed soon after and turned around in his arms to face him. Holly watched as his lips curved into a smile as he watched her.

"You know" He started "I think you're really pretty" earning a small blush from the English girl, as she thanked the darkness of the room for hiding it.

"Thanks J" she said. But didn't get a reply as she watched his eyes close, tightening his grip around her waist. It wasn't long before she too, fell asleep.



      Holly groaned as the sound of birds trying to find a new place to build their nests woke her up. Once she tried to get up, she realised she was actually stuck underneath JJ, his arms wrapped around her waist, his head rested on her stomach as he peacefully slept, he tightened his hold on her as he felt the girl try and escape. She shook her head and laughed quietly, closing her eyes again.

Tough love - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now