10 - It's a lifestyle

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        The five pogues were in the twinkie as John B drove and ranted about his missing father once again.

"He had to know it was gonna get back to me right?" He said. 

JJ and Holly threw wary glances at one and other and when JJ went to open his mouth, the girl raised her eyebrows and shook her head at him.

"Yeah. I guess its possible." Holly sighed, hoping to bring comfort to her friend, as Kie mumbled in agreement.

"It could also be possible that your concocting wild theories to help... You know, deal with your sad feels." Pope said pessemistically.

"Pope?" John B sarcastically said.

"Bro, you know how I process my sad feels." JJ began.

"Sex?" Holly said, refering to the time she walked in on JJ and a random touron after he had told her he wasn't feeling too good.

"What? No-" He said shaking his head, "dank nugs and the stickiest of ickies, thats how I do it." he finished as the blonde girl rolled her eyes.

"I'm not concocting, okay?" John B stammered, "My dad's trying to give me a message."

There were a few moments of silence before Kie spoke up.

"If it helps you believe, John B."

"Look, I-I don't need a therapy session, okay?" John B stuttered out agitatedly. "Look, I'm not trippin' out."

"It's okay to trip, bro, but-" JJ began.

"Look, my - my dad is missing, okay?" He snapped, turning to face JJ in the back seat. "Missing."

"You don't know what it's like to have to person closest to you vanish and then have no idea what happened." He continued. "Just wake up every morning wondering."

Holly pursed her lips slighty and sat back in her seat, looking at her lap. She did know how it felt. And she knew exactly what kind of things were going through John B's mind right now.

"It's been almost a year." Kie whispered.

"Kiara.." Holly trailed off, not wanting to get back into the topics of dead dads.

Holly sighed and nodded her head. Although she hadn't fully come to terms with her own fathers death, it had been too long to keep wondering. She remembered when she had the same thoughts as her friend, when she had found a letter adressed to her from him, and got all hopeful that he was just somewhere in Ibiza, sipping on Pina-coladas and getting a good tan. It turns out it was only his final deposite to her account from doing some jobs for him. She also felt bad for John B. While she still didn't have a face to the name on the headstone, she still had the closure of a funeral, all John B got was a policeman showing up at his house telling him that he was 'sorry for his loss'.

"Hey, he could have been kidnapped. That's definitely a possibility." JJ said.

"Yeah, could be in a Soviet sub getting interrogated by the KGB somewhere." Pope continued.

"What even is that?" Holly drawled.

"Absolutely. Uh... or Atlantis." JJ waffled.

"JJ." Holly scolded as Kie began to speak to John B.

"Look, what do you think the message is?"

"Redfield." He replied simply. "Redfield Lighthouse."

"Our dad's favourite place." Holly finish for him as they reached the lighthouse.

Tough love - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now