5 - Jealous, JJ?

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         "Who's that?" Asked John B. As the group watched Lana Grubbs cradle the body.

"It's Scooter Grubbs. He was out during the storm." Replied a random pogue who had seated herself next the boy.

"Check out this pic I got." She said holding her phone up the group, John B, JJ and Holly took a glance it, and the sight made the blonde girl sick to her stomach. "Dead body" said the pogue girl they didn't know, like it was coolest thing ever. Holly flinched and looked away, holding her hand over her mouth to stop girl from gagging, JJ moved his arm from where he was standing to wrap around her waist, in hopes to bring comfort to the girl.

"Insane" Replied Kie sarcastically.

"Holy shit" said John B, also looking away.

"What kind of boat did he have?" Asked JJ.

"Somehow that dirtbag copped and brand-new Grady-White." Said the girl, making John B turn to her, then face his friends with a look. "Everyone's out looking for it."

"Everyone?" Asked Holly, furrowing her eyebrows when the girl nodded. The two boys exchanged worried glances with one and other, as the English girl looked over to where they were wheeling Scooter Grubbs away.

"Come on" She said, pulling on JJ's hand "I want out of here".


         John B threw and empty beer can around, JJ and Holly sat in the sofa the far end of the patio, Holly's head in her hands bouncing her leg, JJ flicking his lighter open and closed. with Kie sat on the one below the window. Unknown to JJ, the flicking and clicking of his lighter was setting the girl next to him's anxiety off even more. when Pope ran over to the four of them and opened the door, pacing around, running his hands over his face, clearly in panicked Pope mode.

"Okay, so, um... we didn't see anything." He began.


"We don't know anything." He continued as he sat down.


"We need to total and complete amnesia." He finished, as JJ went to flick the lighter again, but was cut off by Holly snatching from his grasp aggressively, giving the boy and incredulous look.

"Actually, Popes right for once." Said the blonde boy, patting the girls leg.

"Popes usually right." She said, earning a look from JJ.

"See I agree with you sometimes." He said standing up when he noticed the disbelieving look on the boys face.

"Deny, deny, deny." JJ said.

"Guys, we can't keep that money." Piped up Kie.

"Okay. Not all of us can afford unlimited data plans, Kiara." He replied, and Holly shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She always hated when her friends talked about her and Kie technically being Kooks, if she didn't have money, she wouldn't have moved here. But she also knew that the boys wouldn't take any money from either of the girls, they hated being treated like charity cases.

"We have to pass that off to Lana Grubbs." Kiara argued, "otherwise it's bad Karma". Holly knew that she was saying this because the girls righteous beliefs, but she also knew that JJ wanted to keep the money.

"Bad karma to be implicated in a felony, too." Said Pope, and the blonde girl pointed at the boy to show that she wholeheartedly agreed.

"We gotta go dark." She said, looking at JJ, and he sighed, melting when he met those gorgeous green eyes.

Tough love - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now