6 - Concocting shit

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          JJ began, before noticing Sarah Cameron and Topper Thornton walk a few feet away. "Oh, wait. Hey, hey. Hey, Sarah!" he shouted, making the couple stop before him.

"Sarah, can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?"

"No, thanks." Replied the blonde kook, sarcasm laced in her tone.

"Come on, is it not fancy enough for you?" JJ countered.

"No. We were just leaving –" Sarah began but was cut off by her boyfriend.

"Hey, you know what? I'll take it." Topper said, attempting to grab the red cup from JJ's hand. "Thank you, man. I appreciate it."

"That's nice, but I didn't ask you." JJ replied stubbornly, pulling the cup away and offering to Sarah again. "If you said pretty please, maybe –"

"Oh, pretty please?"

"– But you didn't"

"Pretty please?" Topper said again.

"Yeah, Sarah. You can have it." JJ said, holding the cup out to the girl, but was cut off by her boyfriend hitting the cup away aggressively, causing the alcoholic beverage to splash over JJ's face.

"She doesn't want it, you –" Topper had started, but his sentence was broken off by JJ grabbing him by his shirt and shoving him away. This caught Holly's eye, as she cut off her conversation with Kiara and began walking over to were JJ, John B and Topper were.

John B quickly stopped JJ from attacking Topper by pulling him away.

"No, no, no, no, no. Hey?" The brunette said, but Topper had clearly struck a nerve in drunk JJ.

"You're so funny, man" JJ called to the stuck up kook sarcastically, as Holly reached the pair with Pope by her side.

"Dirty Pogues!" Spat Topper.

And that was it for John B. The next thing Holly knew was the boy running over to him and shoving him. Hard.

"John B." Whined Pope. "We're supposed to be incognito, remember?" He tried to argue as he noticed people backing up and Sarah calling for her boyfriend.

Sarah Cameron calling for her boyfriend to stop didn't work however, as Topper waltzed up to John B and gave him a swift, hard right hook. As John B tried to get up, he kicked him back down, and into the water.

"Dude! Topper!" Holly called, trying to stop the fight but to no avail.

"Hey, John B, don't make me drown you like your old man, all right?" Topper teased, and kicked him back into the water, while the crowed that had gathered began chanting, egging on the fight.

And as Topper began to walk off with triumph, John B got up, and tackled him into the water. As punches, kicks and shoves were thrown back and forth, John B and Topper couldn't seem to hear their friends shouting at them.

"John B let it go, man!" Pope was calling.

"Stop, you guys!" said Kie.

"Topper stop!" Sarah called.

"JJ!" Holly cried out to the boy next to her anxiously, "do something!". The boy simply ignored her, as himself and now even Pope were invested in the fight. When John B threw quite an aggressive punch, the two boys hollered.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Called JJ.

"Come on!" Said Pope.

When Topper managed to shove John B back, Holly ran her fingers threw her hair looking around panicked.

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