9 - Dad

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        Kie was sighing in relief, as the 5 teenagers made their way off their boat and onto the dock, eager to open up the bag John B had salvaged from the wreck.

"What do you guys think it is?" I asked everyone curiously.

"I don't know, gotta be money or something though, right?" John B answered, grabbing the zip of the bag.

"That or a couple of keys with street value to the low- to the mid-mils!" JJ laughed, making John B laugh along with him, patting his shoulder.

"Can we please just open the bag?" Pope huffed out anxiously, cutting the other two boys off.

"Wow, Pope." John B teased, "That's a rare outburst of emotion." as the others mumbled in agreement.

"Okay. You guys are literally killing me with anticipation. Just open the bag." Pope said, rolling his eyes, reaching over John B's shoulder.

"We almost died over this." He complained, and Holly pointed at him dramaticly with her eyebrows raised to show agreement.

John B fumbled in the bag, before pulling out a small black sack. Not wasting anytime, he reached inside of it, revealing a silver cylinder, before briskly wrenching the lid off. Once he got it open, he tipped the contents into his hand. And on it fell a copper coloured... pocket watch? No, too big for a pocket watch. John B flicked the lid open with his thumb, and it revealed itself to be a compass, like the really old ones they used on giant ships in the 1800s.

"Oh wow." Huffed Pope. "Yup, that's about right. Good job, everybody. We found a compass."

Holly, Kiara and JJ all shuffled slightly in defeat and annoyance. But John B stayed staring at the compass in his hand.

"Dude, what? It's not worth anything." JJ said as he noticed his friend.

John B didn't reply right away, pausing a little as he turned to face Holly, a weak smile evident on his face.

"This was my father's." He breathed out, causing the girl to furrow her eyebrows at her friend, before crouching down to have a closer look.

Oh! I probably forgot to mention. Remember when I told you that my dad went missing a few years ago. He went missing doing the same thing as whatever Big John was working on. He never told me anything, last thing he said about his work was that him and Big John were close too the end. So you can probably imagine that the mention of this compass, meant something to me as well.

The blonde girl sat on her knees next to John B, as the two turned their heads to face eachother, grins on their faces.


        Sarah Cameron was asking a small girl, Holly at her side. She decided she would hang it with Sarah today, after her mum told her to go make some proper friend when she forbid her from going off with John B and JJ when they came to pick her up. So she hit up Sarah instead. Holly decided it was time she get to know the girl better. Now that she worked in the same place sarah lived, and the two girls would have more classes together after the summer.

"Okay, can you tell us what she looks like?" Holly asked the girl sweetly.

"She has a trunk and blue ears." She answered timidly, as Sarah made her way over to the fallen tree the girl had pointed to before.

"Okay. I'm gonna get her for you." Sarah stated, walking over the top of the wires.

"Be careful of electricity." The young girl said to her.

Tough love - JJ MaybankNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ