3 - Summers been boring

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     Holly spoke to her friend as he handled plastic bags, he was obviously helping out his dad after the storm.

"Hey little Gil" he said to the girl "What are you doing here?"

She simply laughed and pointed to a boat that was coming into the dock.

"Well look who we have here" Came JJ's voice.

"We have a safety meeting. Attendance mandatory." John B said, cupping his hands over his mouth as if he were talking on a radio.

"I can't. My pop's got me on lockdown." Pope groaned defeatedly at the two boys on the boat.

"Come on, man!" JJ said as he too cupped his hands over his mouth, "Your dads a pussy. Over."

"Oh, I heard that, you little bastard!" Heyward replied in response to JJ, while Holly just laughed and jumped into the boat that was still yet to reach to dock.

"We need your son" John B stated.

"Yeah, and island rules" JJ started, throwing his arm over Holly's shoulders, "Day after a hurricane's a free day."

"Who the hell made that up?" Heyward protested.

"Uh..." started JJ.

"Pentagon, I think, we have a security clearance." The blonde girl continued as the boy next to her froze.

"Yeah, I have a card" JJ said, pretending to dig in his pockets.

"You think I'm stupid?" Countered Heyward

"I'll do it tomorrow. I promise. Tomorrow."

"You think – No, no, hell no. You're doing right now."

Holly cupped her hands around her mouth to whisper to the boy "Get in the boat".

"Make a run for it" whispers JJ as well.

"Boy, if you get in that boat –" Heyward started but was cut off by his son taking a leap of faith into the HMS Pogue. The English girl whistles as he stumbles slightly.

"Bring your ass back up here!" The defeated dad says to his son, as Pope hurriedly apologises with promises.

"Whoo!" JJ shouts, and John B and Holly just grin widely at each other.

"Love you, Pops!" John B calls as they drive away in triumph. "We'll bring him back in one piece!" and Holly slaps John B playfully.

As they drive over to Kies house in the boat, the blonde girl pulls her sunglasses over her eyes, as the sun becomes more blinding.

"How come you came to Popes to be picked up?" JJ asked her.

"Will and Adam had Rafe and Topper over" She said, the lie slipping easily over her tongue, and JJ nodded in understanding at the sound of Rafe and Topper.

"Oh, top o' the mornin' to ya." JJ says in a horrible irish accent as Kie walks over to the boat with her bag, and a cooler in one hand.

"Oh, Kie, thank god you're here!" Holly exclaimed dramatically, "save me from the sheer amount of testosterone" making Kie giggle, and the three boys turn in mock offence to the girl.

"Good morning you lot" Kie said.

"Morning" Replied John B, as they all seem to notice the cooler the brunette girl was holding.

"Whatcha got? You got some juice boxes?" Said Pope in a confused voice, he knew all too well what was in that cooler.

"You know, just some yogurts and carrot sticks" Kie continued the sarcasm.

Tough love - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now