43 | Melt | nsfw

60 6 48

- 43 - 

[blood] [strong language] [sexual themes] [graphic sex]

The taste of copper flooded Lilith's mouth. She had cut herself. Was it Pandora's fang? No, how wasn't important; all that mattered was her blood now filled Pandora's mouth. Youkai blood affects the body when consumed. Each type was unique, but Pandora didn't need to identify anything specific. One taste was enough to tell her Lilith wasn't human. The mask had fallen away, and Pandora would see her for what she really was.

        "Lily," Pandora gasped as she grabbed onto her shoulders. Fingers digging into her flesh, transferring the slight tremble running through the hunter. Was that anger? Of course it was. Lilith had betrayed her, or at least, that's how Pandora would see things. She couldn't even blame her, though she couldn't find fault in herself either. They were both victims of the unjust world God had placed them in.

        They were never meant to coexist. They had been pitted against each other from the beginning. Lilith could wish till the end of time that her species might one day become accepted the way the witches had been, but what good would that do? It only served to make her feel misplaced in time as well as place. Nothing would change the reality of the moment; Pandora knew, and now she was going to kill her.

        Tears welled up in the corners of Lilith's eyes. It's not fair. I don't want to die yet.

        I don't wanna die.

        I don't wanna die.

        I don't wanna die!

        Lilith shoved Pandora back, into the bed. The pit of her knees struck the edge sending her crashing down. She landed with a bounce, then lay still atop the mattress. Lilith regarded her for a moment, then climbed over top of her. She didn't want to die, but a straight fight against Pandora was a hopeless endeavor. The hunter was bigger and stronger than she was, not to mention more experienced.

        No, if Lilith wanted any hope of coming out on top, she had only one weapon at her disposal. She straddled Pandora, pinning the hunter's arms down above her head, then leaned in and planted a kiss on soft lips. The response was ferocious. Pandora's lips pressed back almost desperate for the touch. Lilith gasped and her mouth filled with the taste of Pandora's tongue.

        The passion they had shared before paled in comparison. Pandora's arms clung around her waist, pulling them closer together. Her kisses were desperate and needy. She took only the briefest of moments in between to gasp for air. Just minutes before, Lilith would have felt happy, but things had changed. Now, each time their lips locked her heart grew a little bit darker.

        She pushed herself away from the kiss and took in Pandora. Her hair was disheveled; her makeup smeared. Her face was flushed red and a thin trail still connected their lips. To anyone, she should have looked like a complete mess, but all Lilith saw staring back was the most beautiful woman she could imagine. One bright blue eye gazing directly through her.

        She had never hated herself more.

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Pandora's chest heaved, trying to recapture the air she had neglected for Lily's kiss. She wanted nothing more than to lean forward and recapture that kiss, but held back to prove she was in control. The blood had struck hard and fast, but she hadn't swallowed much. The effects were already waning by the time she was pushed onto the bed. Now, she felt fully herself again.

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