9. exam

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Everyone looked at me in amazement
  Even the dean was biased, but I didn't care.
  Harvid was lying on the ground and feeling defeated, which I was a little happy about, but then I remembered with pain that I had a wound in my stomach from Harvid's knife.
I dropped the knife and let Harvid go.
He gave me one last angry look and said

H ,, you won't get away reader, you should be afraid,,

And he smiled.

The bell rang and Lady Lesso ordered everyone to leave.  Except me. 
She slammed the door and went to the window.

LL,, Reader, can you explain to me what just happened?  It is impossible for you to hurt he  without having some magical power.,,

She said turning to me. 
In fact, I didn't listen to her at all because I was focused on the pain and wound in my stomach.  I held my wound with one hand and leaned on the table with the other.  I couldn't stay on my feet very well and the dean saw it.
  She approached me and wanted to grab me, but I moved away and looked at her with a disgusted look.

A ,, no,   Don't touch me.,,

I said with tears in my eyes and left the room.

The dean had a bit of remorse in her expression, but I probably just thought that, because if she was at least a little sorry, she would have followed me, but she just stood there and did nothing.
  I went to my room and treated my wound.  It didn't hurt so much anymore, but I was still angry with her.

A few days passed and in the meantime I had no lesson with Lesso or Harvid.
It was just boring classes full of talking about magic and the same thing over and over.

A week passed and we were supposed to have another lesson with Lesso.
  But this time almost all the students and teachers were there.  And we were not inside the school but outside in the forest. 
It was supposed to be some kind of test that was built on teams.  In which there were to be two of us and, of course, I was alone because no one wanted me in a pair.

D ,, hush, dear students, you have an exam today.  In front of you is the so-called magic monkey track.,,

We all looked ahead but there was only forest.  It occurred to me that there will be traps and forms when it's a magical track

D ,, you were sorted into pairs according to your discretion.  In these pairs, you will have the task of going through the forest, which is full of traps, and at the end of the track you must pluck a blooming rose and hand it over to us.,,

Great.  I don't have the power and I have to conquer the magic track myself.  Well, that's really great.  None of us knew what was waiting for us there and we were all worried about it.

D ,, remember, the one of you who wants to leave the track will drop the red handkerchief we gave you on the ground.  This exam may have benefits for you in the future, so I recommend completing it.  But remember that only one pair can win it.  Just one, no more.,,

LL ,, now we can start.,,

There was a gunshot that started the test.  All the students ran in different directions and I ran after them.
I really had no idea what was waiting for me there, but I was ready for everything. 
From a distance, I saw the students stopping at the same place.
I ran there and saw a big chasm over which we were probably supposed to get.  But I had no charms and was alone most of the time, so the others had an advantage.  Luckily I can think differently from Harvid. 
The others were figuring out how to magically get across the chasm, but I had no choice but to take a risk.  I had no choice so I turned back a bit and quickly ran straight towards the abyss.
  I bounced off the ground and jumped over a chasm several hundred meters long.  The others watched as I jumped over the chasm and risked my life.
  I fell to the other side of the abyss and held on with my hands.  I was exhausted but I still had enough strength.  I swung up and got off the ground.
I looked at the other side as everyone who was trying to get to the other side with magic was looking at me, but I managed to do it earlier.  I smiled and quickly ran on. 
I ran through the forest for a while when I came across some beautiful peonies.  I was about to go on, but I suddenly stopped.  I saw the peonies slowly moving towards me.
Well, it's clearly a trap.
I took a stick and tried to push it into one of the peonies.  Peony bared her teeth and bit into the stick.
  I was scared and thinking about what I was going to do.  After a few minutes of thinking, I came to the conclusion that without spells I would just have to walk through the peonies.  I got ready and quickly ran through the peonies.
They started biting and scratching me and I screamed more than once.  It hurt but that didn't stop me.  After struggling for a while, I finally climbed out of the peonies.  I was covered in blood, scratched and bitten, but I kept going.  I ran through the forest for about five minutes and I couldn't catch my breath anymore.  I needed a drink and saw a small river in the distance.
  I quickly ran to it and was about to drink from it, when at that moment a small leaf of that tree fell into the river, which suddenly turned brown and disintegrated in the river.
  Well, of course, that's another test.  There is poison in that water.  I couldn't drink, so I at least rested for a while.  But I couldn't waste time, so I stood up again and kept running.
But after a few meters I stopped and saw something in the distance.
It was a rose.  A red rose just standing there in the middle of nowhere.
  I approached her, but it seemed strange that it would be so simple.  I decided to look around but I didn't see anything.  So I quickly approached the rose to pluck it, but I stopped right in front of it.  I heard some crunching behind me, I quickly turned around and fell to the ground.
  A scythe held by a living scarecrow flew overhead.  That was the last test.  I quickly ran out of there and the scarecrow ran after me. 
He tried to stick the scythe in me but he didn't succeed.  I saw other students and teachers running up.
They were watching me fight the scarecrow.  I ran towards him and slid on the ground.  He aimed the scythe at me which passed just above my head.  I kicked his legs and he dropped his scythe.  As the scarecrow fell to the ground, the scythe landed directly on him and cut off his head.  I got up all bruised and covered in blood and walked over to the rose. 
I tore it off and came to Lady Lesso.

A  ,, here your highnesses,,

I said ironically and bowed as I handed her the rose.  I turned and proudly left while everyone looked at me in amazement.

D ,, so I guess we have a winner,,

Lady Lesso x PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now