Chapter Three

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Jaylin's POV:

It's been a week since I went to the nightclub and I couldn't get it out of my head. The dreams I had of this mystery woman also invading my everyday thoughts too. The green eyes, the way her body worked, the voice that enraptured me.

I finished teaching as the kids left and went to lunch, this school gave an impression to everyone, also owned by the named 'Persephone Black'. This school had three large campus' one for elementary, one for middle school and lastly one for high school.

I went to the teacher's lounge and made myself a drink, no food wanting to be consumed. I leant against the counter holding the mug between my hands. I haven't been here long so making friends with co-workers was never on my list, but one person was the one who everyone loved and spoke to you first. She was named Aria, 5ft 3, slim build, dark hair always held up and a charming smile. She sees me as she enters and bounds over to me.

"Hey Jay, how are you adjusting to working here?" she asks me and begins to make herself a drink.

"It's a big change but I'm settling and the kids I teach are great" I told her and she gave me a knowing look.

"You have the hardest class, you have the billionaires daughter in your reach" she told me and I rolled my eyes. I don't believe she is a billionaire, maybe million.

"I don't see it as that, she's just a kid like all the others and very smart for her age, after day one she even told me 'treat me like the rest' very confident 10 year old" I told Aria making her laugh.

"Damn, wish I had that confidence" she said and motioned me to follow her out the lounge and down the halls.

"You do, trust me on that" I told her and she smiled and thanked me.

"So, tell me a little about yourself, I barely know you" she continues as we entered her class room and she sat at her desk and I sat on one of the tables.

"There's not much to say, I'm like most people, moved from another state, got family, I work and live that's it" I tell her but she shook her head as she handed me half her sandwich. God, she's so friendly.

"I didn't mean the boring stuff, I mean that is interesting I'm not being rude but like what you into?" she asked and I got the gist of her question.

"Oh, um, I'm into women, I uh, I'm intersex" I told her and kept my head down and when I raised it I saw her smiling.

"Oh my god, I love it another ally, I'm like the only one that I know of so it's good to know I'm not alone" she said and that wasn't the reaction I expected.

"So how about yourself?" I asked as she bit her sandwich and then grabbed her phone to show me a photo of herself and a very good looking man.

"This is Lucas, my boyfriend, we've been together for a couple months. I'm bisexual as well" she tells me and I smile at how she isn't afraid to talk about this sort of thing, "Are you seeing anyone?" she asks.

"Oh, no, not really seeking seeing people at the moment" I said and finally ate the sandwich.

"But there maybe someone in the future?" she inquires and I smile.

"Maybe, who knows" I tell her and she continues talking and I'm happy just listening to her.

After leaving Aria's class and learning more about her, I decided to try and clear my head for the remainder of the day and just teach. I get through the day barely and decide to leave early and head back home. My thoughts invading me again as I walked up the stairs of the complex and to my door to see Isabela also at her door.

Across the Hallजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें