Chapter Eleven

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That night at Caitlyn's Home

Third Person POV:

Tensions were high after the incident, Isabela was bundled up on the couch, a blanket wrapped around herself as she stared into nothing. Many thoughts swarming her head of what could have happened and that look on Jaylin's face she will never unsee.

She blinked away the tears tired of crying, her head cocked to the side as she heard the voices of Caitlyn and River in the kitchen.

"How many more times do I have to say sorry?" River begged to Caitlyn holding her hands, but Caitlyn let them go.

"You put that young girl in danger and for what, a fucking business deal! How low could you be River?!" Caitlyn shouted at River. She knew how she was, and that business was important but never in the 5-and-a-half-year relationship has she known River to put a person's life in danger for a few extra dollars.

"I fucked up, I know, just let me know how to make this right" River was trying to get forgiveness, but it was a losing battle.

"That's down to you, go see your sister, maybe she can make sense of this, for now just leave" Caitlyn said defeated, she was angry, upset and disappointed and River knew not to push her anymore.

"I'm sorry" she said and kissed her girlfriends cheek and left the home.

Caitlyn ran a hand through her hair and steadied her breathes and began to make two hot cups of cocoa and then bringing them to the lounge and give one to Isabela and then sit near her.

Silence forming between the two, but they knew what each other were thinking. Caitlyn placed her mug down on the table in front and turned to face Isabela.

"Isa honey" Caitlyn said in a tone that made Isabela tear up again.

"Don't say anything, I know what you're thinking" Isabela said, holding back her tears.

"And what do you think I'm thinking?" Caitlyn asked her, clearly thinking that she doesn't.

"You're disappointed in me, you think why I do what I do, you think low of me, you- "Isabela listed off, but Caitlyn moved closer and took her hand silencing her.

"If you think I'm like that then you have got me all wrong. I could never think that of you. Right now, I'm just glad you are okay" Caitlyn said making Isa also place her mug down and look at Caitlyn.

"You'd be the only one" she mumbled, and Caitlyn gave a sigh knowing who she was on about.

"Jaylin will come around, yes a lie was told, and it should have been dealt with long ago, but this stuff happens for a reason, just give her time" Caitlyn told her, and she nodded but she knew it'd wouldn't be fixed overnight.

"For the time being, you aren't going to be working at the club for a while, understand?" Caitlyn told her and Isabela was quick to object.

"What, that's so- "she began, and Cait cut her off.

"I said no, do I make myself clear?" she asked sternly, the years of working on herself to be more stricter paying off.

"Yes ma'am" Isabela mumbled, and Caitlyn smiled.

"In all seriousness though, are you okay?" Caitlyn asked, really wanting to know how she was after the encounter.

"I hate what happened, it's scared me, and I can't get the taste of blood out my mouth" Isabela said, feeling the cut from the slap and the blood from another reason.

Caitlyn grabbed her chin gently and turned her to face her, "It'll heal slowly just keep it cleaned" she said, and Isabela took a chance to look a Caitlyn and didn't even know how it happened as she leaned in and kissed her.

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