Chapter Twelve

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Isabela's POV:

I didn't end up going back to sleep, I had to tv on, but I was just staring blankly at it. How could I have been so stupid to let that happen to me, what was I thinking? I felt dirty, I showered and scrubbed my body, but nothing could erase that feeling of being in a vulnerable situation. What if no one came to my rescue, would it have gone further? Would I have been beaten to death? I was a fighter but it that moment, I lost all faith in everything.

Rapid knocks were at the door, and I rushed to it to open it to see my dad, my arms were around him instantly as he hugged me and walked us back into the apartment.

"I came as soon as I could buttercup, what's going on? You didn't sound good on the phone" he said and tried to pull away, but I didn't let go and he noticed and brought us to the couch to sit down. We pulled away and I wiped my tears, but he gave me the fatherly look and I broke.

"Oh dad, I've done something stupid and unforgiveable" I sobbed, and he wrapped an arm around me.

"You could never do something like that, just talk to me, I'm here for you" he told me, and he and I have always had a great relationship. He supported me when I came out as pansexual, let me live me dream to move out even when I had nothing. But I feel like if I tell him the truth all that trust will break, and he will never look at me the same again.

He didn't rush me, he let me take my time, I steadied my breathes and wiped my eyes, they were starting to strain from how much I've cried.

"So, I've taken another job to help out financially which is me being a stripper, I just dance but the other night, it got out of control and I was protecting my boss and I-I almost, I-" I couldn't finish as the memories flooded back into my head, that face I had engraved in my head and I covered my mouth to hid the sobs that escaped me.

My dad just rubbed my back and then pulled me into a side hug and kissed my head, I hope he understood because I couldn't say the words.

"I'm not ashamed of you dear, I just pray and hope that you are okay, that's all that matters right now" he told me, and I looked up at him to see the sincere look on his face.

"Wait you're not ashamed?" I asked and he shook his head and I calmed myself down.

"You could never disappoint me, we'll get through this, I'm here" he said, and I gave him a hug. We spoke for a little and I managed to tell him more details of what happened, but I avoided as much as I could and spoke more about the friends I've made and the café job more than anything and then I went to the kitchen to make him a drink.

"How are you and mom?" I asked him.

"We are good, your mother is in New York at the moment, promoting so I'm going to be around for a couple weeks" he told me, and I brought his drink over and smiled.

"Good, I need some father-daughter time" I told him, and he smiled back and then Angelo came through, I forgot to mention that.

"Father" he said, and I did not want an argument to break out.

"Son, I see you aren't working yet" dad said, and I saw the look Angelo gave him, here we go.

"That's the first thing you say, no how are you or why you here, fuck sake dad" he said and went to the kitchen.

"You've had enough time away, you need a job, you can't just bunk with your sister and expect not to work and her to pay all the rent" he said, and he wasn't wrong, I was wondering when he would get a job but didn't want to push it.

"I don't need to hear this, I'm working on it, fuck" he said and stormed back to his room and slammed the door. I gave a sigh and looked to dad.

"Can you just not fight while you are here?" I asked and he gave a look, and I knew he is too stubborn, but he can't say no to me.

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