Chapter Five

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I made it to work after banging my head against the wall still thinking about what I did, my impulses cursed me but what else was going to happen, her being that close and wearing that.

I taught my lessons up till lunch and then made my way to the teachers' lounge to see others and Aria talking, as I entered she caught my attention.

"Jaylin, glad you're here, we wanted to ask if you wanted to come out with us on Friday for a few drinks at a bar, we do it every Friday to end a week, you in?" she asks and I thought about it, I needed some friends, so I agreed. She gave me the time and which bar it was.

I skipped out on eating at school and made my way to the café, as I entered it was busy like usual, I went to my usual table and waited patiently. After a few minutes someone came to my table, it was Isa.

"Will it be the usual?" she asked me with a slight smile on her lips.

"Yeah, can we talk for a moment?" I asked her and she looked concerned and sat down.

"What's up?" she asked, and I bit my nail and fidgeted a little.

"Are we really okay from this morning?" I asked and she laughed a little and then smiled calming me down.

"Jay, honestly it's fine, it was a minor mishap, just don't do it again unless you want something to happen" she said and left with a wink leaving me stunned for a moment. Was she flirting with me? I think she was.

She arrived back sooner with my food and drink and let her fingers touch my arm as she walked back. I looked back to see her just working as normal. I thought she is seeing that woman and wanted something with her. I pushed the thoughts back and began eating since I didn't have a lot of time left.

My day was passing smoothly and as I finished school and was packing my stuff up, I got a call from Reggie, the guy who plans my fights, I answered it.

"Reg, what's up?" I asked, as I made sure I was alone in the room.

"Hope you don't got any plans tonight, I got you a fight you aren't going to want to miss" he says, and this piqued my interest.

"Who's it against, what's the cash?" I asked him and he laughed not giving me a good feeling.

"Cassandra Wolfe, I'm putting a lot down on this, so you have to win, I'm putting 20K down" he says, and my eyes widened, and I almost swore but remembered where I was.

"Reg are you insane!" I whispered shouted and he yelled back.

"Remember who you are speaking to, just win Hayes" he says and hung up. I can't win that, I'm lucky if I do. I quickly left and got home fast to think this through and prepare.

I ate when I got home and readied myself, Wolfe was an ex-MMA fighter and amazing at her craft, I was surely going to lose this. I put on my gear I wear and then over the top I wore grey sweats, a grey zipped hoodie leaving it undone and a cap. I grabbed my backpack and walked out the apartment to see Isa.

She looked me up and down and a slight smirk on her lips, but she hid it.

"Going somewhere?" she asked, and I rubbed the back of my neck.

"The gym" I simply said, my outfit would make sense for that.

"Have fun, don't pull something" she said and went inside as I walked out the complex and grabbed a cab to the underground club.

I got where I needed to be and had my music playing but I was pacing. Maybe if I just black out then they can't hurt me right. No, I don't need another dark moment. I'll just try and do what I do. I was called so I stripped the hoodie and sweats and tightened the straps on my wrists and made my way to the cage.

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