Chapter Thirteen

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Jaylin's POV:

"Okay everyone that's the end of the day, remember to do your homework over the weekend and I'll see you all Monday morning" I spoke to the class, saying goodbyes as they grabbed their bags and left. I sat down and ran my hands through my hair, I grabbed my phone and looked at myself in the camera seeing the dark bags under my eyes and the redness. I haven't slept at all since the other night when I witnessed what I did at the club.

How can she have not told me or even worse she just played me, telling me things I wanted to hear so I'd fall for her. Was I not enough that I played into her little game. I haven't seen her at the complex since yesterday, I just want to talk with her about it all. I needed to understand to get closure.

I got up and began to pack my things away as Aria came into the room.

"Hey" she said, and I acknowledged her with a nod.

"Look you've not been yourself all week, how about you come join us for some drinks tonight?" she asked but I didn't even feel like that, knowing I wouldn't be much fun.

"No, it's fine, I won't be in to it, but you go, just be careful okay" I told her and left her there in the room. My head was pounding with how much was going on, I had to get it all sorted.

I left and headed to the compound; I was told not to come for a while, but I didn't listen. I believe they knew more than me and I intended on finding out even if it means crossing lines I shouldn't.

I walked in and noticed not many people were around, so I took a walk around and found most people in the conference room, upon entering they all went quiet as Persephone straightened up and looked at me.

"Everyone take a break, I need a word with Jaylin" she ordered and as everyone left and gave me wary looks, I noticed all the maps and notes on the table. They were going after Reginald and didn't even tell me. I took a step forward to overlook it all as she closed the door.

"You weren't even going to tell me, was you?" I asked and she kept quiet.

"Was you?" I raised my voice at her, and she didn't like that one bit.

"How could I with everything that has happened, the faster he goes the better and you aren't in the right state of mind" she told me, but I wasn't hearing this.

"I want to end him as much as you, he hurt Isabela, that isn't something you just get over" I was shouting now, the weeks' worth of pain and anger I had been feeling was starting to show.

"Taking a life will haunt you forever, I know that feeling, just sit this out" she ordered but I slammed my fists on the table.

My fists were clenched and knuckles turning white as my teeth were grinding as I gritted them.

"You can't be serious and take me out of this, that's the only reason I'm here" I told her, and she looked just as tired as I was. Where once stood a woman who knew what she had signed up for, I started to see the cracks. The tiredness in her body language, being more slouched than usual, her voice becoming hoarse as she spoke. She was at her wits end.

"And I'm beginning to see that it was a mistake to take you on" as them words left her lips, my desire just died. She took pity on me in a time where I was likely most vulnerable. I turned and punched the wall hearing my knuckles crack and break against the impact.

I walked out the conference room and slammed the door shut as I stormed out the building. Was I just worth nothing in this world to anyone, I should have never left home and come here.

I went to the diner knowing it would still be open and as I entered my eyes locked with Caitlyn.

"She isn't here?" she told me without even hearing anything I said.

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