Lou Arrested

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Next morning, Jeff and Lou got up and got ready. Jeff was wearing a black like a storm shirt with blue skinny jeans. He brushed and straightened his red flippy hair. Then went downstairs for breakfest.

"Hey Lou can you watch for the bus for a minute, I need to find my converses," asked Jeff.

"Yeah," said Lou as he shut the door.

After Jeff found his converses, he put them on and walked outside.

He saw Randy and his friends picking on Lou.

"Hey why don't you pick on someone your size?" Said Jeff in a mad tone.

"Or what!? Your gonna beat us up?" Randy said as his friends pulled out knives on him.

"Yeah it worked the last time," Jeff said before punching one of the guys in the face and took his knive and stabbed him.

Randy and his friends ran off with the guy with a bloody hand.

Then Jeff and Lou ran to school.

That day, Jeff and Lou kept his mouth shut. But Jeff kept an eye on Jane.

He saw her in all of his classes and saw her in the lunch line and at a different table across the way.

Even at his special areas, he saw her pass through the hallways.

He felt something about her.

That day, it went alright. They were just really tired from what happened that day.

"How was school?" Asked Jeff's mother asked them. "Fine," Jeff answered.

They went upstairs and put their stuff down so they can go to the park to meet up with Jane.

They sat the swing and waited for Jane to appear.

"Hey guys," Jane holliered, "you guys alright? You seem pale today."

"Yeah we're fine, just a rough day," said Lou.

"Yeah, I drew you guys a picture last night," Jane said handing them each a piece of paper.

For Lou, it was a picture of him and Jeff at the park. For Jeff, it was Her, him, and Lou and a beautiful colorful background.

"Thanks, it's beautiful," said Jeff. "Thank you, I didn't know how to repay you so I just did that," said Jane.

They hung out all day until it was getting dark. "Hey Jane," asked Jeff. "What is it Jeff," Jane answered. "Why do you not want us to hang out during school?" He asked her in a sad tone.

Afraid of the answer going to be.

"It's people, if they caught me with you, I would have rumors about me. Not just me, you too. And you're like my best friend. I don't want you suffering about stupid drama," Jane answered.
"Thanks for caring," Jeff said as he put his hand on top of hers. Jane hesitated and her eyes got big. "Well, uh, I should be going now, bye," she said before walking off.

Lou and Jeff went on home and did their homework and talked.

"She hesitated! She doesn't like me!" Yelled Jeff. "Yes she does, she's just playing hard to get," said Lou. "What if she wants to stop being friends about what I did!" Jeff kept whinning. "Don't worry man! Okay! Take a chill pill!" Holliered Lou.

"Now lets get our work done. I'm tired and I want to go to sleep," said Lou.

"Okay then," Jeff said with a sigh.

While on the other hand...

Jane took another shower and started talking to herself.

"He touched my hand, and he is emo... This can't be happening! I like a emo guy! But he is my friend. My best friend... I need to stop over reacting. I'm pretty sure what happened didn't mean that. He was probably being friendly... Yeah.. lets keep it that way.."

Jane dryed her bruntte hair and brushed it out and put on her favorite pajammas then went to bed. 

Next day after school, Jeff and Lou were about to go to the park when they heard a knock on the door.

Jeff's mom answered it and found it to be a police officer.

"Hello ma'am, your sons were in a fight yesterday morning at the bus stop and one of your sons stabbed a boy in the hand with a pocket knife," said the officer.

Lou came down and heard what he said. Jeff was still upstairs putting in his shoes.

"I did it," said Lou," but they were picking on me."

"Ma'am your son needs to come with me," said the officer.

Jeff heard that and he ran down stairs and yelling," it was me! I did it! They were picking on Lou and I stabbed them!"

The officer didn't listen and took Lou.

"When your father hears about this!" Jeff's mother yelled at Jeff.

Jeff went to the park and saw Jane on the swing listening to music.

He sat next beside her and he started crying.

"Oh my god what happened!?" She said as she knelt to the ground and trying see Jeff's face.

"T-they took Lou!" He raised his voice. "Who?" She asked. "The police! He didn't do anything! I did it! I- I was just standing up for him! N-now he is paying the price!" He spat out.

"Okay Jeff calm down and tell me what's going on!" She tryed comforting him.

He told her what happened and she understood what happened, happened.

"Do you think he is in trouble?" Jane asked Jeff. "I- I hope not," he said choking on his tears and spit.

Jane gave him a hug and tried to help. It was about time for Jeff's dad to come home. "I gotta go, but thanks for being here for me," said Jeff. "Your welcome, I hope Lou will be okay," Jane said back. She gave him a hug before he walked off.

Then Jeff walked in the door and saw his mom and dad waiting for him to talk about what happened.

He knew he was going to be in trouble and he was going to be punished but his parents was going to see his side of the story.

"Jeff, your father got a call from the police department, Lou is going be in jewvy for one year," said his mother.

Jeff burst down crying. And his parents went to comfornt him. Jeff never got to speak his side of the story.

While on the other hand....

"I can't believe it! Lou is in jail for something he didn't do! I feel so sorry for him! What is poor Jeff gonna do... I feel so sorry for him... What he has to go threw... No wonder he is what he is. I'll be there for Jeff because this is so bad. For him... For me"
Jane said as she was doing her math homework.

Oh this is just the beginning...

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