Jane The Killer

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Jane was at the park on the bench. She saw something going on at Jeff's house, so she walked over.

She saw Lou, and his mom and dad getting pulled out in body bags.

They were dead...

She was in shock.

Then she heard the news lady saying," this has been the first homaside in eight years, the family was killed by brutaly stabbed. The mother was stabbed multiple times and the the father twice. The son was stabbed once in the chest. But there is one more son and he is missing. DNA specialist found Jeff's blood on the body of his father. We don't know where he is. If you see this person, contact the police deparment imedatliey!"

Jane was balling her eyes out. She got up and ran home. She called her boyfriend to come over, he does answer the call and agrees to be over there in thirty minutes.

She waited and cryed until she heard a knock on the door.

It was her boyfriend Robert.

She was kissing him and hugging him.

On the other hand, Jeff was outside watching her from the window.

"If you don't like me this beautiful, I'll make you beautiful as me! Hahahaha!" Jeff laughed about.

That night, Jane, Robert, and her parents were watching a movie together.

Then they heard a loud bang. "What was that!?" Jane's mother cried. "It was probably nothing," pointed out Jane's father.

Then the power went off.

"I'm gonna check on the fuse box, Robert you wanna come with me?" Asked Jane's father to Robert.

"Uh- sure," he said nervously.

Jane got out her phone and shined it like a light until she found some candles.

Her dad got his flash light and went out with Robert.

Within fifteen minutes, they heard a scream and Robert came back running in and locking the door.

"Where's my dad!?" Asked Jane nervously. "H-he's dead!" Robert studdered.

"What! How!?" Jane's mother yelled at Robert. "Jeff! He's here!" He cried out. Then Jeff started laughing and they all screamed and ran for the door.

Jeff got a frying pan and hit them in the head. Causing them to get knocked out.

Jane soon woke up and realized that she was strapped down in a chair.

Her mother and boyfriend were tied up on a table down in the basement.

"You told me that we couldn't be together! Because how different we are! After what I done for you! You still can't love me back!" Jeff screamed at Jane," now it's time for you to know how it's like without anyone you love be there for you! Then you'll become beautiful like me!" Jeff yelled as he pulled out the big kitchen knife and stabbed her mother so many times in the chest.

"No! Please don't! Jeff! Stop!" Jane begged for her famliy's life.

"All I wanted was to make you happy! But you decided that this guy was better than me!" Yelled Jeff as he slit Robert throught fast and stabbed his stomach. Causing him to bleed threw the mouth.

"No Jeff! God please don't! Jeff please!" She screamed.

After the soul of Robert was gone, Jeff turned to see Jane.

He walked over to her and rubbed his hand on her cheek.

"Look what you did Jeff... You killed my famliy... You killed me.. How could you?" Said Jane in a low whisper.

"I had to do it... To make you see... I love you Jane... And I'm doing what's best for you," Jeff said as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Jane was crying and was mad.

"Now this will hurt for a minute, but you'll wake up soon and find yourself looking beautiful like me," said Jeff in a normal tone.

He got out the bleach and alchol and that other stuff that made your hair turn black, and poured it on her.

"This is all for you Jane, I love you," he said as he lit the match and dropped it on Jane.

Within seconds, Jane was on fire.

She was in hell pain. Then she blacked out...

She woke up and she found herself in the hospital.

The nurse came in and said," you and your famliy was in a fire accident. You are the only survivor."


Jane walked over to the mirrior and saw that she had black hair and her skin was white.

The nurse left and Jane went back into her hospital bed.

That night while Jane was sleeping, Jeff went into her hospital room and left her a black dress, a mask, a black curly wig, a knife and a note.

Then Jeff kissed her lips and jumped out of the window.

When Jane woke up, she saw the stuff and she went to the mirrior and put it on.

Then she found the note. It said," my beloved Jane, I know you are mad at me for what I did and you are probably going to try to kill me. But when it comes down to it, I'll love you know matter what. Come and find me, we can have this world. Just you and me. But if not, well catch me if you can! Love, Jeff. Ps. GO TO SLEEP!"

She crumbled the note up and got the knife and jumped out the window.

She is going to find Jeff and end this mess...


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