The Final Fight

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Days went by...

Jane hasn't ate in five days and the snow began to fall.

"I got to eat. I haven't ate for days. But all of my stuff is molden," Jane said to herself.

She stopped to rest on a icy log to pull out the molden food so she can survive.

"At least I don't drink and eat humans like Jeff does," she laughed to herself about.

Jane became heartless to Jeff. She still loved him. But her anger was stronger.

Jane about puked the food out. But she had to keep it in.

After Jane packed up and went on walking to the direction where Jeff has struck another human being, she discovered a waterfall that has some water still running.

"I think I should wash up a bit," Jane said to herself as she put down her stuff to get closer to the icy cold waterfall.

Jane unzipped her dress and took off her mask. Then sat down her knife on a log. Finally she took off her wig and walked up next to the running water.

She stepped in and it was freezing but Jane didn't care. She let the cold water run through her hair down her white body.

She went back to her bag and pulled out a bar of soap and brought a razor blade.

Then she washed off her body and shaved.

After she was done, her teeth were chattering and she was shaking.

She put back on her dress, wig, and mask back on.

Then she continued her walk to find Jeff.

When night came, she turned on the radio and listened to the news.


"Jeff the killer has struck again! He started this a long way back at this and still on the run on this very day. Tonight, he has killed the whole entire family on Port Valley Ave. The daughter was brutally stabbed and got the worst from the famliy of all. For some reason, Jeff has a anger of young girls. This might be a weakness of Jeff. The parents was killed in their sleep. The son took a stab to the chest and died very slowly. The grand parents... Oh gosh. The grandmother took a stab in the head and the grand father was stabbed in the stomach then his neck sliced. When will this ever end? The cops can't track him down and find him. Somebody has to put a stop to it. Well I'm Mac and this is your murdered news."

"Port Valley Ave! It's not to far from here!" Yelled Jane as she ran and leaving everything but her knife.

She ran to the end of the woods and poking out her head to see the crime sence.

"Jeff can't be that far from here," Jane said to herself as she turned around and ran back into the woods.

She ran then she heard a growl near her.

It was Smile Dog.

"Hey Smile Dog, are you here to take me to Jeff?" Jane asked to the dog in growling tone.

The dog barked and walked up a hill.

Then Jane stand in the middle of a beautiful snowy forest.

Jane kept her guard up and was ready to fight.

She heard noises and laughing surronding her.

She spinned around a couple of times before seeing Jeff resting on a tree.

Jane's face went from mad to a face that she needed him badly.

Jeff and Jane just stood there just staring at each other in silence.

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