Billy's Party

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This was a few days before Lou got out of jewvy.

Jane and Jeff were on the swings and they were talking.

"Hey Jeff I got some big news for you!" She said exictedly. "What is it?" Questioned Jeff. "Robert and I are going out!" She squealed.

"Do you think that he cares about you?" He asked Jane. "Yeah, I'm sure he does," Jane answered him. "I've been the one protecting you and caring about you Jane! Not him!" He yelled.

Jane was in shock.

"What?" She asked very nervously. "I love you Jane! Ever since I moved here I fell in love with you!" He raised his voice.

"I like you too but you know why we can't be together!" Jane yelled," I've been here for you since Lou had to go to jewvy and now he's coming home! Now my work here is done!"

Jeff started crying. Then he went up to her and gave her a kiss on the lips.

"I think we shouldn't see each other anymore," Jane whispered.

"Please Jane! Don't!" Jeff begged for his dear life.

"Goodbye Jeff," she said before running home.

He ran back home in tears. He went upstairs and stared at the picture that Jane drew him.

He stared at it for hours...

He was heart broken. He put his hand on his heart and layed in bed crying. Finally, he cryed so much until he cryed no more then fell asleep.

While on the other hand...

Jane was in her room upset about what she did. But she thought when Lou finally came back home, she could go back to being with her normal friends.

But she was attached to Jeff.

"Jeff is right about being there for me but I've known Robert since we were seven. I don't know what's wrong with me," she spoke to herself. She grabbed her phone to call her boyfriend.

But he didn't answer.

"Where's somebody that I need to go talk to!


Jane sighed and did her math homework while eating icecream. After that, she watched TV and cried a little until she fell asleep.

Next day...

There was a birthday party going on near in his area. It was a kid's birthday party named Billy.

His mother forced Jeff onto going.

"Is that what are you going to wear?" Asked his mother.

His parents were dressed formal, but Jeff was dressed in a white hoodie, black skinny jeans, and black converses.

"You want me to change?" He asked his mother.

"We don't have time! Come on lets go," she yelled.

They drove to the party and Jeff saw that he was that he was the oldest one there.

Jeff sat at a table outside and watched the kids play as cowboys and playing with little popper guns.

"Will you play with us?" The little boy Billy asked.

"I'm to old for that," Jeff answered.

"Please!?" Squealed Billy.

"Oh alright," said Jeff with a sigh.

Jeff didn't want to do that at the moment because of what happened yesterday about Jane.

All of a sudden, Randy and his friends saw Jeff running around and playing with the other kids.

They crawled over the fence and came behind Jeff and punched him.

The little kids started screaming and the parents went outside.

Randy's friends pulled out guns and said," if you even try calling the cops, we will shoot you!"
No one dared to touch a phone.

Randy and Jeff soon was fighting inside the house.

Jeff ran upstairs and Randy pulled a knife out on Jeff.

Jeff punched Randy in the face, broke his wrist, took his knife and stabbed him.

Jeff killed Randy.

Then Randy's friends started chasing after him.

Jeff punched this guy so hard in the chest that his heart stopped being.

Jeff killed him.

Then Jeff ran into the bathroom and he fell.

Two of Randy's saw alchol and bleach.

They got it and poured it on him.

Then the oldest friend that was one of Randy's friends was laughing and was smoking a cigratte.

"What's so funny!" He yelled. "Your covered in bleach and alchol and this other stuff that's turning your hair black," said the oldest.

Then he flicked the cigratte onto Jeff and he got caught on fire.

He ran down the stairs and fell then blacked out...

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