Jeff The Killer

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When Jeff woke up, he was dizzy.

He couldn't see because he had bandages around his face. Then he heard a voice that said," just go to sleep."

He finally knew that he was at the hospital. He fell back asleep and it was dark...

He soon woke up and the nurse was taking off his bandages from his face.


He looked in the mirrior and saw his skin looked white as snow, hair as black as a crow's wing, and skin as leathery as a snakes.

Then Jeff's famliy came to see him with Lou.

"How long have I been this way?" Jeff asked. "About four months," his mother answered.

"How is that even possible," he asked while touching his face and feeling how leathery it was.

"You kept waking up, so we gave you shots to make you go to sleep. If you were awake all threw that, you would have felt more pain in your whole entire life. So we updated the pain killers on you so you didn't need to feel all of that pain," said the nurse.

"Oh, okay then," said Jeff as he twiched a little. He began to start acting werid and his mother wanted to take him home.

"Can we take him home," asked Jeff's mother. "Yes you may, if he starts acting werid, bring him back," said the nurse.

Jeff put on his white hoodie, black skinny jeans, and converses.

Then his mom signed him out and drove home.

Lou and Jeff went to the park and found Jane on the swing staring at Jeff.

"Oh my God Jeff!" She cried," what did they do to you!?"

"Pour bleach, alchol, and something else to turn my hair black," he said whlie flinching and twitching.

"Are you okay Jeff? You're acting a bit funny," questioned Jane.

"Y-yeah I'm fine," he said as he kept touching his leathery face.

Then his arm spazed out for a second.

"Uh... I should be getting on home. Robert have a date in a few days," said Jane as she walked away very slowly and turned and ran like if there was something after her.

Jeff and Lou went on home.

That night, Jeff just kept on touching his face and staring at himself in the mirrior.

"Jeff come on to bed," Lou said to Jeff. "I can't, I want to keep staring at my beautiful face," said Jeff. "Beautiful? Okay nevermind... I'm going to bed. Night Jeff," said Lou in a scared way.

In the middle of the night, Jeff's mother heard something in the bathroom.

She got up and went to see what it was.

She opened the door and saw Jeff on the floor with his back turned to his mother and blood all over the floor.

Then Jeff turned to look at his mother.

"Oh my God!" She yelled.

"Do I look beautiful mommy? I couldn't stop smiling about my face so I carved a bigger smile. And I burnt my eyelids off so I won't ever have to stop looking at my beautiful face," said Jeff in a insaine voice.

"Uh-huh you look beautiful," Jeff's mom said before walking very slowly and running into her room and waking up her husband.

"Wake up! Our son has gone crazy!" She yelled as she shook her husband up.

As Jeff's father went to get the gun, Jeff ran in there and stabbed his father with Jeff's pocket knife that he used to cut his face with.

"You lied to me!" Jeff screamed before running up to his mother and jumping on her then stabbed her.

Lou was in bed and he heard a noise coming from downstairs, he thought it been just something natural.

So he turned over and tried to go back to sleep.

He opened one of his eyes and saw two bright eyes in the corner.

Jeff ran up to Lou and yelled," JUST GO TO SLEEP!" Then stabbed Lou in the heart.

Jeff laughed and went into his room.

He wiped the blood off of his knife onto his jeans and saw the picture that Jane made him.

"Jane says we can't be together by who we are, I'll just have to make her beautiful as me!" Jeff said then laughed. He grabbed the picture and ripped it up.

Then he took a big knife out of the kitchen. Then ran and jumped out of a window. Running into the woods...

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