I)The Singer

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Earth 4

I'm Percy Jackson, you must've heard from me through various TV programmes or magazines, I'm Hollywood's heart throb, but I've never actually loved anyone, which is becoming a problem, see, my manager, Grover, wants me to switch styles, I usually made heart break songs, they understood me in a way no other songs could. But the odd thing is, my hearts never been broken.

Grover wanted me to switch to a more play boy theme, meaning more love songs. I will warn you, the only women I talk to is my friend, Piper, my mom and my sister, Estelle. I am terrible at flirting, I never understood love, I never understood the "Time slows down when I'm with you." or the "I would go to hell for you."

Needless to say, I'm doomed. I have a concert in 7 months and I need to make like a billion more songs, and they're supposed to be all about love, which I don't even know the feeling of, I only really write songs from the heart and my creativity has been at an all time low for this project, I also have a couple mini concerts that I had to prepare for.

For the past month I tried going out with a couple people but I never felt anything, like the model, Rachel Elizabeth Dare, she was nice but she wasn't the one for me, you know. We dated for only a week before I broke things off.

Today, I was invited to talk at the Aphrodite show, I got dressed but I felt extra dead, how was I gonna finish all the songs, I didn't want to disappoint my fans, not to mention I had an role in a new movie, yep, I was exhausted and it was only seven in the morning.

I woke extra early to go out on a walk, I had my hoodie up and contacts in, so paparazzi wouldn't recognize me, I walked out the back door of the hotel I was staying at, we were in San Francisco just for today so I wanted to check out the park, maybe write a little, get some motivation, all that jazz.

The streets were so quiet, the New Yorker in me was shocked. I walked around keeping my head down so no one saw my eyes, they were my signature look, they were Sea green and made me unique from the others, even though I was wearing contacts, I couldn't help but feel paranoid.

I walked to the nearby park, it was so calm, it overlooked the Golden gate bridge, it was so quiet you could hear the water slashing about and the waves clashing. I sat down to marvel at the sight, the air was crisp since it rained yesterday, it was cold out but that didn't stop people from grabbing ice creams on their way to school. What a wonderful place.

I got mesmerized and didn't notice a girl sit next to me, once I snapped out of it though I avoided all eye contact. Have I mentioned I'm not good with girls?

We sat there in silence, she was also enjoying the view and I know it's creepy but I couldn't help but stare, she had blonde curls, she wore a simple top, jeans and a Yankee's cap, she held a book I couldn't see properly. She looked about my age.

I quickly cocked my head back before she noticed me staring.

"You come here often?" She asked after a while.

"Uh, no, I, uh, I'm, visiting but just for today." I said awkwardly.

She looked at me, I was expecting blue or maybe even brown eyes but not grey.

"Your eyes." I thought but apparently I said aloud because she just chuckled.

"Yeah, I have grey eyes. I got them from my mom."

"Oh." I said a little embarrassed.

"Your eyes are nice too." She said smiling.

"Thanks, I got them from my dad. Sea green-" shit shit shit, my eyes were brown not sea green. "- Is my- I- is my favourite colour." I said after panicking.

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