VII) The Model

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It had been a week since the serenade as some people say, I've gotten slightly better but I still kept thinking about what could've been. In the last week, we shot more scenes for the movie and I wrote more lyrics, nothing out of the ordinary.

I smiled more, even though I didn't feel it on the inside, I had a persona to keep, I've got fans to show.

There were no more mini concerts and I was going for the world tour in 6 months.

I felt empty today, I sat in the void that was my thoughts while eating a cookie, of course, it's blue. The tour would be 6 months long. I wouldn't be able to see so many of my friends and family for 6 months. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone.

Hey Grover
Hey, come to the office right now.
There's a brand that wants you to model for them, meet me at the office beside the cafe.
What brand?
Just get your ass over here, Zeus is breathing down my neck for this opportunity
Ok, ok I'm coming, give me 10
Don't be late
I won't

I got ready quickly I got in my car trying not to run over paparazzi on my way out.

I arrived just on time,

"Percy! There you are!" Grover shouted, waving his hand to get my attention.

"Hey G-man"

"So, the models are in the 3rd floor, room 22."

"Got it."

I quickly rushed off to the elevator, the building was so big it went up for 600 floors.

I didn't really come to this office all that much so I didn't really know my way around the place but eventually, I made it to the room.

I opened the door, a girl immediately putting clothes in my hands,
"Wear these." She said.

It was an old money type of look, I wore the regular grey pants with a dark blue button up and a dark grey coat, the clothes and accessories were all made by the company, Dior, which is run by none other than Aphrodite.
I got changed and stood there awkwardly until the photographer told me to stand in front of the camera. Calypso was there too, she was apparently a model.

We stuck the first pose when suddenly her high heels made her twist her ankle.

She couldn't stand.

"Call anyone who can come. Hurry!" The woman in charge said.

I helped Calypso to her feet, she slung an arm around my neck for support and I helped get her to a chair. She sat down and I sat with her until the next model came.

"Mr Jackson." That's my cue, I walked over to the photographer and stood where to told me to.

"We'll do individual photos first, the other model is taking longer than we anticipated."

"Sounds good."

"Ok, sit on that box and look to your left and tilt your head slightly upwards, cross one leg under the other, the other leg stretched out." He explained and I did as he said.

"Now put a hand to your eyes like the sun is too bright. Yes like that, good." He said.

In the middle of the photoshoot, I saw the door on the left open slightly but I couldn't see who it was since I was facing the right.

"Ahh, there you are. Ok, we'll prepare the background really quickly and we'll start." He said, I think he's name was Apollo.

I finally broke out of my pose and looked at the model to see an equally shocked Annabeth staring back at me.

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