VI) The Lie

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I kept my eyes on her, which were now brown because of the contacts.

She looked very deep in thought. I saw Piper quickly get up while the rest of the cast looked absolutely shocked.

At some point the crowd kept cheering "Say Yes!"

Piper ran back to Annabeth with a microphone.

I stood there, a little anxious at her answer.

Annabeth was handed the mic and her eyes widened.

All eyes were on her now.

"Um, I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend." She said, stuttering at the attention.



My heart dropped, shattering into a million pieces. Of course a girls this beautiful had a boyfriend. I was stupid to get my hopes up. But why did she say yes in the park? I don't know and I really can't think too much on this right now.

The crowds jaws dropped even more, the situation grew awkward quick.

"Shit, I'm sorry, I- I didn't know. Gods, I- I'm sorry." I muttered.

I quickly got off stage, feeling dejected. Piper ran up to me giving me a hug.

"It's ok, you'll find someone else." She said with a sympathetic smile as we pulled apart.

I couldn't hide the sadness and disappointment from my eyes. I removed the contacts slowly.

"How? I- she's the first person I didn't feel the need to impress."

"I'm sorry Perce."

"I'm fine, it's ok." I said with a fake smile. On the inside I felt like a messy void, I feel like I've lost something that I couldn't replace, it's crazy because I've met her only twice. It was love at first sight. Well I guess that was all it was, just love at first sight. I guess I was nothing more to her.

Piper and I walked off, through the crowds of fans, some angry, some sympathetic and mobs of paparazzi and reporters looking for answers.

I couldn't speak, my voice wouldn't work,
I had a frown visible on my features, when ever I felt down I would at least try to pretend but this time was different. This time I was actually heartbroken. I wouldn't contain the bitterness.

I used to make a lot of heart break songs but I've never felt this kind of pain before. All the songs sound so dull and without emotion compared to what I'm feeling. I feel broken, like I'll never be fixed again.

I sulked into the limo, I couldn't even face her right now. It was too embarrassing, the Hollywood heartache couldn't get his crush to like him back.

Piper and I walked into the hotel, rushing through the paparazzi like always.

"I can't believe I asked her that. Fucking hell."

"Percy, you couldn't have known." Piper reassured.

"I know but it was stupid anyways."

"Percy, it was brave, you did good. Don't blame yourself."

Piper brought out icecream as we walked into my room. I really wanted to just roll into my bed and cry but I couldn't, it was stupid, she wasn't even my friend, I couldn't show how weak I was, I couldn't care about this too much, I would just end up hurting myself more.

I looked down at my phone again, #PERCABETH was trending like wildfire. I scrolled down to see the comments under the hashtag.

Could never be me

The Flirt (Earth 4)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant