XVII) The Goodbye

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I woke up to a phone call.

It was weird because I was used to not having a phone at all, let alone getting a phone call at this early in the morning.

"What?" I said groggily.

"Dude, where were you yesterday?" Pery asked.

"Didn't I tell you that we were going to our earth for a few hours?" I asked.

"Yeah, you did, but I haven't heard from you in an entire day!"

"Really? Whatever, why'd you call?"

"What do you mean, it's Saturday, you wanted to talk to Grover, no?"

My eyes opened, sitting up, Annabeth looked at me in confusion, "It's Saturday?!" I asked.

"Yeah, dude, what's wrong?"

"No I swear, we were there for only a few hours."

"What? You've been gone for a day."

"Shit." I said getting up and wearing my pants.

We both quickly brushed our teeth.

"I'm waiting outside, hurry." He said.

We quickly wore our hoodies and contacts and I grabbed Annabeth's sunglasses for her.

We rushed down the flight of stairs not bothered to wait for the elevator. Of course, I made sure to not go too quick so Annabeth wasn't too tired.

We made it down and immediately got into the car.

"Did the time get that messed up from going to the other earth?" Annabeth asked as we drove.

"That's the only explanation." I said.

"Took you guys long enough." Pery said. "How are you two not even awake by now, it's 10:30."

All the events of yesterday came flashing back, instantly dampening my mood.

"You okay?" Annabeth whispered.

I looked at her and managed a smile, "I'm okay." I said, wrapping arm around her.

She leaned on my chest until we had to get off.

Grover's house was a decent size, as I guessed, it had a ginormous garden.

"He's inside, he said you need to do quick cause he has to go soon."

We quickly walked into the house.

"Oh, hey Juniper." I said.

"Hello?" Juniper said, confused.

"How do you know her?" Grover asked me.

I felt a tug in my gut as Grover entered the room. I looked at his fingers, a beautiful golden ring was placed on his ring finger.

I gulped, this was his wedding ring.

"Uhh," I said awkwardly.

"Umm, Grover, I'm Annabeth Chase." Annabeth said.

Grover's eyebrows furrowed, "Aren't you Ciara?"

"We're Percy and Annabeth from another earth." I explained.

His jaw dropped, he quickly regained his composure though, "I- I don't believe you."

I removed my contacts and so did Annabeth.

He stood there in shock, "No, this is a joke," he turned to Pery, "Why're you pranking me, I'm busy."

"I'm not pranking you!"

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