IX) The Recording

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"That was awkward." A guy said, I recognised the voice as mine but it's all just ai so it doesn't matter.

"Yeah, it was." Ai Annabeth said.

"I'm guessing they live here too." The guy groaned.

"I hate our luck."

"Do you have a plan?"

"Athena always has a plan."

"Well, that plan can wait, today was draining."

"Percy, it's barely 11."

"Well, it's time for a nice nap."

"But I'm not tired."

"Fine, what do you want to do?" Ai me asked her.

"Do you seriously believe in this bull?" I asked Tyson.

"Shhhh." He shushed me and continued listening to the recording

"I don't know, but I don't want to sleep."

"Please, for me?"

"Oh come on you've gone days without sleep you don't need it that badly right now."

"How about we watch TV in bed?"

I blushed alittle at the thought of Annabeth and me on the same bed watching TV.


"You're such a child."

"Hey, that means I'm cute."

"Never said that."

"You did too."






"So I'm not cute?" The guy asked in a childish voice, I could tell he was pouting.

"The cutest."

"Yay." He cheered kissing her.

"I miss the others." He murmured.

"When do you not?" She asked

"Yeah, you're right."

They were watching something but it couldn't be heard properly.

"Eww! Eww! Eww! Eww! Eww! Gods, oh no, gods, Jason's gonna kill me! No, this is terrible!" He yelled startling me.

"I don't even talk to Jason that much." I grumbled at the inaccurate AI.

Then I heard something really beautiful, Annabeth's laughing, even if it was fake, it was lovely.

"Why're you laughing."

"Jason's not gonna talk to you for weeks."

"Noooo.. not my bro!"

"I swear you weren't this upset when I got amnesia."

"No, no, I was very upset."


"Of course, I love you."

I chocked on air with those words.

"I'm gonna kill you if you ever look at another girl the way you look at me."

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