XVI) The Interaction

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We ate and walked out of the Chipotle, Estelle was now being carried by Pery as she fell asleep.

I held Annabeth's hand, grinning. I tucked a strand of blonde hair that was disrupting my view of her beautiful face.

Pery had to write more songs so he went home with Tyson and Estelle. Jason and Frank had other plans so they left too.

While walking in a park I saw a familiar face.

"Anna?" I called.

She whipped her head around, "Ciara, tom, hey." She said awkwardly.

"What're you doing here? I thought you had stuff to do."

"Oh, well an old friend called to meet up."

My arms tense, "What friend?" I asked.


"Annie!" A voice called out.

I turned my head to come face to face with that scar.

"You." I spat.

"Tom." Annabeth tried to hold my arm.

I looked at her and back at him, "You have some balls showing your face around her again."

"Dude, what are you talking about?"

"What am I talking about? You know what you did!"

"I literally have no idea what you're saying."

"Listen here-"

"Tom." Annabeth tugged on my arm, "He's telling the truth."

I looked at her confused, "What?"

"He's not lying."

"Or maybe he doesn't remember." I said eyeing him suspiciously.

"Umm, Annabeth do you know these people?" Luke looked at the two of us confused, "Wait, aren't you guys that one couple?"


"Oh, sick." He said taking a seat at the bench.

"You seriously don't remember?" I asked him.


"Okay, did you wear any rings in the last few days?"

"Umm, no?"

"Well, shit." I said.

I pulled Annabeth away to talk.

"Remember when Chaos said that the reason we are on this quest is so these rings don't accidentally get into the wrong hands?"

"Oh no." She muttered, "Not again."

"Well, I don't know what to do now."

"So that Luke isn't the Luke from yesterday?"

"I don't think so."


"So that means we have one last ring to search for."


We looked back at Anna, she was talking to Luke and catching up like old friends, which was pretty much what they were.

I took out the phone that Pery gave me.

Hey, do you know if we could meet up with Grover?
Um, he's probably busy right now but I know he clears his schedule every Saturday so he could go camping.

I snorted, of course, even as a manager the guy manages working on the environment too.

"We'll meet him in 2 days."

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