VIII) The Crash

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We walked into the McDonald's and I ordered myself some chicken nuggets, fries and a spicy chicken sandwich, those were the best. Caly ordered pretty much the same thing except she got a salad too.

We talked about about a random topic but of course Caly somehow made it related to Percy.

"So.. did you tell him?" She asked smirking.

"I... no." I muttered looking down.

She was about to say something but was quickly interrupted by the lady calling our number.

"Oh, that's for us, I'll get it." I quickly rushed off, trying to avoid the topic.

But allas, Caly is one adamant girl.

I walked but to our booth, we picked one right near the door.

"Are you gonna tell me why?" She said while looking at her burger hungrily.

"I- no, i just don't want anything, I told you."

"Yeah, but you like him too, you know it!" She said a little loudly.

"Shhh." I shushed her, if anyone recognises me and overheard our conversation I could get in some serious drama and I really did not want that.

"Annie, I haven't seen you happy about anything since you're mom-" I clasped a hand on her mouth before she could say anything else.

"Don't." I said coldly.

"I'm sorry Annie but you know it's true. You're happy, you might not want to admit it but it's true."

"No, I don't need another distraction in my life."

I watched as a happy couple walked in bickering, I guess it would be nice to find someon- no, distractions are bad, study, I chided to myself.

"I hate how you pull yourself from what you really want." Caly murmured.

"I really want to study and become an architect."

"By the time you finish that dream of yours, all the decent men will be taken!"

I was about to argue with her when I saw the couple who just walked in sit down and the guys sunglasses slipped down for a fraction of a second and I gasped.

"What? What? What's wrong?" Caly asked confused by my sudden change in demeanor.

"I- is that Percy?"

She turned around and saw the guy, "Holy shit, it is."

I couldn't help but feel alittle ball of sadness grow in me, but why was I upset, I rejected him, not the other way round.

"See, I told you he'll get over me." I muttered, looking down.

"Oh Annie, I'm sorry." Caly comforted.

"It's okay, I don't need distractions anyways, I rejected him, he could date who he wants."

The guy walked to grab his food and sat down next to her and my sadness grew, he put an arm around her and I felt, I felt.. I felt weird.

I quickly looked away confused by my sudden change, I was never really confused by my feelings but this, this confused me quite alot and I don't want to talk about it, my ego is bruised enough by seeing someone who asked me out less than a week ago get so comfortable around another girl.

(If only she knew)

I waited patiently for Caly to finish her food and I tried to peel my eyes off of Percy as I watched him leave with the other girl, hand in hand.

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