13 - Yeosang

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"Stare..." I narrowed my eyes at Seonghwa from my seat. Looking between Jongho and Yunho.

"What is he doing?" Yunho asked.

"Did you not hear him? He stares." Jongho said.

"YOU'RE SO FUCKEN CUTE!" Wooyoung hugged me. "But seriously why are you giving Seonghwa your 'I don't know what to think' stare?"

"I thought it was the 'I know you're up to something' stare." Yunho said.

"Pretty sure it's the 'Im going to kill you' stare because you know, he is staring at Seonghwa." Jongho said.

"No, I'm pretty sure it's the 'I don't know what to think' stare." Wooyoung pulled away from hugging me. "Trust me, I know his stares. I am an expert at the Yeosang stares."


Wooyoung then shook me. "YEO YEO! You're seriously just staring!"

I slapped his hands off me. "I'm not doing anything." I rolled my eyes.

"We clearly saw you staring." Jongho said.

"No. I don't know what you're talking about." I looked away. I then quickly turned back. "Ok, I did something like a week or two ago and Seonghwa made a sexual joke to me, I know it's a joke but like still."

"Oooo sex, I like sex." We all turned to Wooyoung. "What? Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

"We thought you were a virgin." Jongho whispered.

"I am."


"I... We are talking about Yeosang here. Stop ganging up on me." He turned to me and smiled. "Continue my dear Yeosangie. I need details."

"Uh, Yeah. So..." My cheeks heated up. "So I did something for the first time and apparently Seonghwa heard me and said that I sounded like I had fun and that next time if I needed help, to go to him. Then he called me princess." I covered my face.

Hearing a chair screech, I quickly took my hands away from my face. Wooyoung had stood up and squealed.

"Shut up!" I grabbed him.

"Shush!" Jongho looked around.

"Sit your ass down!" Yunho stood up as well.

Wooyoung sat back down and grabbed my hands. "That's too funny and did you take up the offer?"

"WHAT?! OF COURSE NOT!" I yelled. I quickly covered my mouth. Wooyoung placed his hand on mine to shut me up too. Yunho and Jongho both reached over to do the same.

They all nervously smiled at everyone and apologized.

All of them took their hands off me and sat back correctly.

"But why the hell would I do that?" I asked.

"To get yo virginity taken. That's why. Trust me it's good."

"Like we said before, what the hell are you on? I thought you were here a virgin!" Jongho said.

"And I said we'll talk about that later but you need to take up the offer." Wooyoung nodded. "You wouldn't want to fuck any of us or any of his friends. You wouldn't want to fuck anyone that you don't know and he is literally your type and the closest person to you, other than us. Either way, nobody likes the first time. So might as well get it over with."

"But it was a joke." I rolled my eyes. "Also I'm not into that type of stuff and definitely not giving my first time to him out of all people." I crossed my arms.

"Isn't he a virgin too?"

"Yeah and?"

"If you guys lose your virginity to each other then you guys can't hold it against each other. No one ever really loses their virginity to the person that they supposedly love. A lot of them don't even make it. So just do it." Wooyoung smiled.

"Yeah. Don't listen to him." Yunho said and Jongho agreed.

"I know. I'm not stupid. Either way, I know it's a damn joke." I turned back and Seonghwa was looking at me. I narrowed my eyes at him. He smirked before he looked away. "I'm going to kill him." Standing up.

The bell rang. Great my plan to murder him in front of everyone was foiled by the damn bell. Im going to have to plan my murder some other time. I let out a sigh.

I grabbed my stuff, saying bye to my friends, and headed to class.

I jumped when a hand wrapped around me. I quickly grabbed the hand and twisted it behind their back.


"Seonghwa?!" I let his hand go. Shoving him away from me.

"I didn't know you had that in you. Feisty." He smirked.

"Why fuck are you touching me?" I turned away as I started to walk to class again.

"Because why not." He followed behind. I sighed remembering he and I have the same class. "So have you thought about what I have said? You want me to help?"

I quickly turned and punched him in the stomach. My cheeks felt heated again. "You're..." Remembering what Wooyoung had said. "You're disgusting."

"It's a joke." He coughed. "Fuck did you get stronger?"

"No." I crossed my arms. "I just tried a bit harder this time."

He rubbed his stomach "Fucken hell."

I smiled. He is so fucken annoying. Getting to class and pulling my stuff out. I rolled my eyes when he sat next to me.

"Bitch." He turned to me. "So?"


"What? Why?"

"Because I will not let my first time be with you and remember you said it was a joke."

"Well guess what, I'm a horny bitch so I seriously don't care if it's you or not." He shrugged.

"Yeah, well either way I'm not into that..." "Oh really? What I heard the other day says otherwise. You seem a bit... Desperate."

I shoved him back. "You are a serious dick head."

He laughed. "All jokes." He held his stomach as he laughed. He coughed a bit.

I punched his arm. He punched me back. We slapped, pinched, and punched each other as we insulted one another.

Once the teacher walked in we stopped what we were doing. Kinda. We continued to insult each other.

"Horny bitch." I whispered.

He leaned on his desk. He smirked and stared at me. "Only for you." He winked at me. He gagged, then covered his mouth and raised his hand. "Ms. can I go to the bathroom? I feel nauseated."

"You're a bitch." I whispered. "Wow, flirting with me got you sick?!"

God, he is so damn dramatic! 

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