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Words : 1344

Whiteout's POV

No, no, no, don't make me face him again!

He'll bring me to him.

I can't.

Ow, ow, everything hurts.

Why now?

I don't even know what happened.

Just please... Get me out of here...

Whiteout looked around frantically, desperately wanting out.

Please, tell me this isn't real.

I'm dreaming, right?

He didn't capture me?

She forced herself up off the cold, stone ground, her body feeling like it was about to give out. Her body trembled, blood trickling out of her nose. Some was on her face from the corners of her mouth. She barely remembered anything. It felt so real. He did get her. She was going to die.

She saw a door in front of her, but as soon as she took a step forward, the metal clasp around her neck shocked her, making her gasp and fall to the ground. The chains clattered as they hit the ground. The room was spinning. She was trying to think about what happened, but she couldn't even form a full thought.

I know it's not Levarathos's fault, but he could've at least been nicer about it.


Nicer about what?

What happened?

Ah, fuck, I can't even focus on the torch on the wall.

Why am I hungry...?

Oh right, I haven't eaten since...

What are the days of the week again?

I learned that stupid human language and ever since have had a harder time with Draconic.

Why didn't I listen to dad?

Oh, I forgot.

They treated me like shit, that's why.

Whiteout lay there for a bit more before forcing her body to stand, swaying on her feet a bit.

Just when she was about to get to the door, it swung open. Whiteout gasped and tried to just back, but her body was too weak and the iron door slammed inti the side of her face, cracking a,few scales.

"Heeyyyy, how's my favorite icicle~?" Levarathos sang as he stepped through the door.

Whiteout let out a quiet groan of pain as she tried to shift her body weight off her wounds.

Great, now my head hurts more. I think I'll just stay here... On the floor.

Levarathos made a fake gasp and dramatically crouched by her side.

They both knew he wasn't really worried.

He had probably done it on purpose.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay, Icicle?!"

"Shut..." Whiteout paused to take in a strained breath. "Up..."


"Too bad... I can't... Give a fuck..."

"Alright, that's it. I'm not feeding you. Come on, we have training to do or else I'll die with you~!" Levarathos said cheerfully, grabbing Whiteout's wrist and dragging her across the ground.

From A Myth To Reality (Katakuri x Whiteout)Where stories live. Discover now