Explanation - Part I

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(The cover picture is a doodle of mine. Don't take it. That would be mean.)

Words : 3160

Whiteout's POV

Whiteout's eyes shot open as Katakuri had shaken her to wake her up. She immediately started coughing, as her breathing was off. Plus, in her dream, she had been strangled to death, so it felt like she had held her breath for hours. Katakuri watched her, a little worried but hid it.

Whiteout eventually managed to stop coughing, her body aching and her breath ragged. Of course Katakuri was still unaware the dragon before him was Whiteout, and she planned to keep it that way.

"Need anything?" Katakuri asked her in an emotionless voice.

Oh? Since when did he show signs of caring?

She simply shook her head. Her body ached and she was in pain, but of course due to being a dragon, she didn't know painkillers exist.

Katakuri gave her a sceptical look.

"You sure?" He asked with an eyebrow raised

Whiteout simply nodded before laying her head back down on the pillow.

Ugh... My head hurts so bad. So much for having at least a tolerable day.

Katakuri then sat down in a chair against the wall beside her bed.

"Mind telling me what language you were speaking in your dream?"

Whiteout immediately tensed up.

Shit. He knows I can speak. But at least he doesn't know the language or that i speak English!

"Nah." Whiteout said without thinking, like always.


Whiteout was mentally kicking herself while Katakuri raising an eyebrow.

"Ah, so you speak."

"Don't say that like im a dog."

"You practically are."

"If I could kill you I would."

"I could say the same to you."

"And what's stopping you?"




"You know for someone who admitted to being curious you're quite silent. Normally if someone's curious about something, they ask about it. No. You're just sitting there like I'm suppost to just tell you my secrets like an audiobook."

"You know what an audiobook is?"

"Of course!" Whiteout replied confidently. "They're just... Hard to find." She added quietly.

Sitting up, she looked around the room.

"Where am I?"

"The infirmary."

"Ohhhhh... What's that?"

"Do you seriously not know what an infirmary is?" Katakuri asked, sounding slightly surprised. "No wonder everyone thought dragons had gone extinct."

"That is NOT the reason, thank you very much!" Whiteout retorted, looking at him with a snort.

"Then what is?"

"I... Can't tell you."


"There are some things better off a secret." Whiteout said looking away from Katakuri and at the wall. She shakily lifted her right wing and held it in front of her to get a veiw of the damage before doing the same to the left.

From A Myth To Reality (Katakuri x Whiteout)Where stories live. Discover now