1. Husk's Casino

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"Soo, what do you think, Husker? Do we have a deal?" Alastor asked, holding out his hand.
Husk glanced at his watch. He's supposed to be meeting with an overlord in a few minutes.
"Sorry, Al, gotta do something right now. let's talk again another time." Husk finally answered.
"Hmm, fine by me! Good day, Husk! Ring me when you've changed your mind." Alastor said

After Alastor left Husk's office, Husk sighed and called one of his maids.

"Darcy, be a dear and get me some booze, will you," Husk asked her. She obliged and grabbed a bottle of booze and gave it to Husk.

"Sir, an overlord would like to have a meeting with you," The maid told Husk politely.
"Ah, yes. I almost forgot. Erm.. who wants to meet with me again?" Husk asked.
"Valentino, the moth overlord." She answered, her voice shaking a little.
Husk frowned. He never liked Valentino. He knows how he treats his employees. Just what does Valentino wants from him?
"Alright, well, when is he coming?" Husk asked, before drinking his booze.
"Anytime soon, Sir. I will inform you when he's arrived."
"No need," Husk said, as he got up to his feet. "I'll wait by the casino. Darcy, you can go and have a break. 1 hour, okay?"
"Yes, Sir. Uhm, thank you, Sir." the maid replied hastily, a relieved look on her face before she left the room.
Husk got ready as well, and waited at the casino, chatting with a visitor.

A few minutes later, Valentino came, accompanied by Vox, and.. a spider. Now, who is this? He did look familiar. A new member of the Vees, maybe, Husk thought. But his fashion was different from the Vees. You know, the color palette. He was a white spider demon with pink and white striped suit. He wore pink gloves for his upper arms, and white for his lower. He wore black shorts and black boots, and his expression was amused as he walked in Husk's casino. Valentino pulled his arm which made the spider flinch, and try to walk in a faster pace.

"Husk! Just the man i wanted to see." Valentino exclaimed in a suspiciously high voice, letting go of the spider's arm.
"Valentino." Husk replied, without enthusiasm. "Did you need me?"
"Indeed! I was just thinking about this bet i had in mind," Valentino said, still smiling.
Husk groaned inwardly. If only he'd known, he'd cancel this meeting and bet with Alastor instead.
"Well, let's go to my office first." Husk said as he lead the way.

"Let me get this straight," Husk said after Valentino finished. "You want to take this casino and my soul?"
"Why, yes!" Valentino replied.
"What makes you think i will be willing to gamble away my casino?" Husk asked scornfully.
"Ah, i knew i forgot to mention something! You see, Husk, if you win this instead, I will give you my most famous employee, Angel Dust!" Valentino explained, as he pulled the spider once again.
Of course, Angel Dust. No wonder he seemed so familiar. He glanced at Vox, who looked uninterested as he scrolled thorough his phone. Val must've dragged him here. Then he looked at Angel Dust. He looked panicked. Well, i'd be panicked too if my soul was getting sold to a random overlord i never met.
Husk isn't the most sympathetic person, but he was very shrewd and knew if people felt uncomfortable, or that sort.
Besides, if he won, Angel's famous face may attract many people to Husk's casino.

"Deal," Husk answered calmly, much to the startled Vox and Angel's bewilderment. Valentino looked quite surprised, too, but he recovered quickly.
"Alrighty," Val said cheerfully. "Prepare to lose, kitty cat."

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