4. A guest

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art by me

this story was inspired by SuperCellAlpaca's comic on Twitter

about 2 week after Angel Dust started working for Husk..

Angel Dust finished his paperwork and just gave it to one of the imps. Now, he's getting ready because the casino just opened. It took him a while, because he wanted to make himself look like a woman to attract people. He was almost done doing his make up when Husk knocked on the door.
"Come in!" Angel called out. Husk opened the door. Angel smiled.

"Hey Husky~ Too excited to wait outside for me ain't ya~?"
"I was wondering where the fuck you were hiding at. You're supposed to hit the tables 15 minutes ago." Husk said.
"Well ya want the work done fast or done right?" Angel huffed.
"I want you to start hustling is what i want, sweetheart." Husk answered.
He came up to Angel and grabbed a pearl necklace.
"Hey, what are you-" Angel started but before he could finish his sentence Husk was already putting the necklace around Angel's neck.
"Keep still," Husk said. "Too tight?"
"Nah, you're fine, big guy."

"Four arms and it still takes you ages to get dressed." Husk complained.
"Six arms actually," Angel corrected him slyly. "Ya can't rush art though."

Husk caressed his hand on Angel's back, making him shiver. Husk zipped up Angel's dress.
"You cold?" Husk asked.
"N-no." Angel replied, still red.
Husk lightly squeezed Angel's shoulders.
"Then why the fuck are you shaking so.." Husk realized what he was doing, and he blushed. But Angel was touch deprived. There was an awkward silence before Husk coughed, making Angel jump.
"Alright, we ah.. we should.. get going now."

Husk's plan worked, many people started coming in the casino once Angel had appeared. Cygnus told Angel and he laughed.
"My charm is irresistible," Angel said jokingly. He turned his head at a table. 3 sharks were fighting and shouting. Angel approached them.
"Ya know the rules, gentlemen~" Angel said. "There is no fighting in this casino. Play however you like, but being noisy like a buncha' children isn't it, ya hear me~?"

The sharks nodded and slowly went back to their seats, playing more calmly. Angel had a triumph look on his face as he went back to the bar. Husk stared at Angel, his eyes wide.
"Well shit thats hot," Husk thought.
"Hell to Husk, hell to Husk. You there?" Agatha said, snapping her fingers.
"Oh, right. Sorry, i.." cough "Zoned out.. a bit." Husk said, blinking.

Agatha glanced at Angel Dust, who wet back to chattering with Cygnus, and them at Husk. She smiled smugly. Husk caught the look and sighed.
"What?" Husk asked, avoiding eye contact.
"Mmmm, nothin'," Agatha hummed.
"For fucks' sake, Agatha, get back to work," Husk said, trying to sound stern.
Agatha chuckled. "Yes, Mr. Boss man."

Angel was about to go to his room when suddenly the front door opened and a girl entered.
"Welcome to the casino," Cygnus said. Angel turned around to see who the guest was.
It was a cyclops, with her hair tied up.

"Holy shit!" Angel exclaimed. "Cherri Bomb?"
"Angie!!" Cherri said when she saw him. She ran to him and punched his arm playfully.
"How did you know where i was?" Angel asked, suspiciously.
"Let's not talk about that first! What the fuck are ya doin' here? Is Val staying here, or some shit?" Cherri asked, ignoring Angel's question.
"Right! I forgot to tell you. The dumbass gambled away my soul, so now i'm owned by this gambling cat overlord." Angel told her.
Cherri stared at him. "What! You're kidding. You mean Husker?"
"Yeah! You know him?" Angel said. Before she could answer, Husk approached.
"Your friend?" Husk asked Angel. Angel smiled.
"Yep! My partner in crime. Husk, Cherri, Cherri, Husk." Angel introduced them. Husk shook Cherri's hand politely. Cherri looked at Husk suspiciously.

"By the way!" Cherri said, looking at Angel again. "I came because i wanna hang out with you again. Ever since that shoot, we never get to hang out again."
"Fuck yeah!" Angel said. "I would love- oh.." Angel realized he had to ask for permission to Husk first. Goddamnit, i don't know if he's gonna say yes or not.
"Husk, can i..?" Angel asked nervously, with Cherri behind him. Husk glanced at Cherri, then at Angel.
"Sure," Husk finally said, shrugging. "But for the love of god, please change first."
Cherri looked at him, with her eyes wide. Usually people want Angel to wear something more revealing, but here's Husk wanting him to wear something more appropriate. Angel smiled widely.
"Aww, thanks Husky!" Angel playfully kissed him on the cheek and pulled the enthusiastic Cherri's arm to his bedroom. Husk froze. Anyone would know Angel didn't think twice before doing this. But Husk turned red in the face. Agatha and Cygnus, who had been watching this little by-play at the bar, glanced into one another, smiling.
"OOOOOOOOHHH," Agatha called out.
"SHUT YER MOUTH BEFORE I FIRE YOU!!" Husk said, flustered. Still red, he went to his office.

As Angel and Cherri Bomb were getting ready, Cherri was patting Fat Nuggets and said,
"He's nicer than what i've heard."
"What have you heard about him?" Asked Angel Dust, looking at the mirror. "I didn't really know anything about him, but judging from the employees, he seems like a decent guy."
"Well he barely goes out, so no one actually knows him that well. But once someone tried recruiting one of Husk's employees and tried to harm her, but, well.. Husk stepped in, and the overlord was severely injured." Cherri told him. "So people saw him as intimidating."
Angel chuckled a little bit.
"If he protects his employees like that, imagine how he would protect his loved ones," Angel commented, making Cherri laugh.

Husk was in the bar, watching as the others play in the casino. Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb went out of Angel's room, chattering. Husk saw and blushed. But Angel didn't remember what he did, so he caught Husk's eye and smiled, and said,
"I'll be back quickly! Don't miss me too much!"
Husk mumbled and Angel looked at him in surprise, but went on his way anyways.

"What's up?" Cygnus asked from behind, making Husk jump.
"Goodness, Cy, stop jumpscaring me." Husk sighed.
"Mm, sorry. But, really, what's up with you? Ever since Angel came here you've been a little softer, and is always distracted." Cygnus pointed out, taking off his glasses and wiping them. "Don't tell me.."
"Shh! Keep your voice down, fucker!" Husk said, covering Cygnus' mouth. "And what exactly makes you think that?"
"I don't think that. I know." Cygnus said, humming. "You've known me for years, so the same goes to me."
"It's stupid, this whole love shit." Husk muttered. "And whatever happens, i can't fall in love with one of my employees, especially Angel. He fell in love with Val and got tricked into signing his contract. He wouldn't trust me."
"How did you know about this?" Cygnus asked curiously.
"He told me on his first day." Husk answered.
"Well, that means he trusts you, you know." Cygnus told the stressed Husk. "People don't tell that kind of information straight away. But he did."
Husk thought about this for a while, and finally said,
"I don't know. He probably just said that with out thinking,"
Cygnus groaned inwardly. This stupid, gullible cat. I wonder how long would it take for them to finally get together.


i can't believe ppl r actually reading this shit bruv

OVERLORD HUSK AU - Hazbin HotelNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ