5. Mixed feelings

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Angel was telling Cherri about how Val lost to Husk.
"Well!" exclaimed Cherri after Angel finished. "Thank goodness Husk won! I mean, not that i doubt he wouldn't. He's a fuckin' gambling overlord. How the fuck did Val think he was gonna win?"
"I dunno," Angel replied. "I think i'm really enjoying it there though."
"I think he's enjoying it too," Cherri said, taking a bite of a muffin.
"What do you mean?" Angel asked, confused.
"Angel, did you see his reaction when you kissed his cheek earlier?" Cherri told him.
"What!?" Angel shouted, shocked. "I.. kissed him? When!? No i didn't!"
"Yes you did, asshole!" Cherri said. "Don't you remember? When he said we could hang out?"
Angel suddenly remembered. He went red, and collapsed onto his chair, covering his face.
"Hahah!! Don't tell me you actually forgot?" Cherri laughed.
"SHUT UP! I DIDN'T REALIZE!! He's gonna kill me," Angel groaned.

Cherri looked at her friend curiously.
"Why are you so stressed?" Cherri asked, taking a sip of her drink.
"Because i know he doesn't like.." Angel's voice trailed off. Cherri stared, quite disbelieving.
"YOU like him!?"
"Angie, come on! Remember the last time you fell in love?" Cherri pointed out.
"I-i know! He's just.. so nice to me. He always asks for consent and listens to me." Angel said, rubbing his arm. Cherri glanced at Angel's right hand, and saw a gold ring.
"I didn't know you like jewelry," Cherri said, picking up Angel's arm.
"Oh, Husk doesn't use chains on me. He gave me this ring instead." Angel told her. Then his face went red again, looking at Cherri's teasing face.
"What." Angel said.
Cherri giggled.
"If there's one thing i know about Husk, he wouldn't just give a ring to one of his employees, considering he has, what, hundreds of them." Cherri stated
"Well, when i was leaving from the casino with you, he kept avoiding eye contact, and barely responds.." Angel said sadly. "I think he's getting annoyed with me."
"For fuck's sake, Ang! He's flustered, that's what!" Cherri said, shaking her head.
"No! Why would he? I mean, i'm just a pornstar anyways." Angel said.
"Angel Dust, if you're "just a pornstar" then i wouldn't be your friend right now." Cherri said sternly but gently, making Angel grin. "There's that smile! Now, how about we go shopping, eh? Then we could go try the new donuts, my treat." Cherri offered.
"Well, when ya put it that way," Angel chuckled. "Let's go!"

Cygnus and Agatha were chatting in the bar when Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb walked in the casino, holding a lot of shopping bags.
"Had fun, didn't ya?" Cygnus said, making Angel and Cherri laugh.
"Boss said that Ms. Cherri can stay in here tonight if she'd like, he knows it took her a while to get here." Agatha told them.
"Oh," Angel said, looking forlorn. "He could've told me himself.
"Maybe he was tired," Cherri said encouragingly.
Agatha nodded, smiling. "Oh, give me the bags, i'll bring them to Angel's room."
As Agatha walk away, Angel and Cherri sat at the bar, with Angel more quite than usual. Although he hid it well, Cygnus and Cherri wasn't fooled for once, and they guessed immedietaly what got Angel quiet.

"I never expected you to be this sad," Cherri told him in his room before sleeping.
"I'm not sad," Angel said. "It's kinda the opposite. I fucked up."
"You're falling in love with Husk!" Cherri said.
"Look, you gotta see for yourself. He's so polite. He may look intimidating, but he's a softie." Angel explained.
Cherri said nothing, merely staring at the ring on Angel's finger.
"Can you actually take that off?" She asked, pointing at the ring.
"Well, everytime i try, it glows," Angel said, staring at the ring. "But nevermind, we gotta rest, i still got work tomorrow."

The next day, Angel was awoken by a sound from the corridor. He looked at Cherri and saw that she was still asleep. He slowly got up and walked outside.
He looked at the big clock on the wall. It's 5 AM. Still about 3 more hours till work.
A sound from behind made Angel jump. He spun around quickly and saw that it was Husk.
"What are you doing here? It's too early," Husk said.
"O-oh, uhm, n-nothing, i-i was just, uh.." Angel stuttered.
"Are you ok?" Husk asked. "You want a drink?"
"Yeah! Yep! I-i-i'll go get.. a drink! ThanksHuskbyebye!" And before Husk could answer, Angel sped off to the kitchen.
Angel drank the water, and then sighed.
"Fuck, Angel, what the fuck was that for?" He said to himself. "He was just concered. Great, he probably thinks i'm weird now." He walked back to his room, not being able to sleep again, he opened his phone, and saw the news.

"The biggest adult film industry, owned by the overlord Valentino of the Vees, is recently losing their money."

Angel snorted. Serves Val right, that dumb fucker.

Angel Dust didn't even realize what time it was by the time Cherri woke up.
"Mornin', toots," Angel said. Cherri yawned.
"God that was a good fuckin' nap," Cherri said sleepily. Fat Nuggets snorted and Cherri smiled, picking him up and petting him.
"Better get ready," Cherri reminded Angel. "You said work started at, what, 9 AM, right?
"8 AM," Angel corrected her, still looking at the phone.
"Well it's 20 minutes to 8," Cherri said, glancing at the clock.
"Oh fuck, it is?" Angel said. "Well then i better be quick. Wouldn't wanna make the boss man mad."

Angel got his dress on, not different from the one he used yesterday, and went on his way. Cherri wore something less elegant, because she was leaving today anyways.

"Angeel!!" Agatha greeted him from the bar.
"Hey, Ags!" Angel waved. He and Cherri came to sit down on the bar as well. Since its morning, not many people were in the casino, but they were drinking at the bar.

After a few hours, many people started pouring in, and thats when Angel started 'luring preys' as Cherri put it. Husk was just sitting on one of the casino's sofas, watching other people play.

Until someone entered.
"Helloo people!" said a slightly cracked voice. "Man, this place still looks shittier than the last time i went here!!"

Valentino, the moth Overlord, has came back.

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