2. Angel Dust's new home.

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Vox and Angel watched with an amused expression as Val and Husk played poker. Valentino was panicking and kept cursing, while Husk remained quite calm.

"Royal Flush," said Husk as he placed his cards down. A few of Husk's employees, who have been informed by the bartender about his deal with Val, gasped.
To be honest, Husk didn't even think it was a big deal.
"I'm a gambling overlord, for cryin' out loud," Husk laughed at Valentino's expression of unison. "You know the deal. Hand them over."
"NO!!" Val banged the table and shouted, making everyone jump. "NO!! I WANT TO PLAY AGAIN!! QUE TE JODAN!! ¡¡NO TE LO DARÉ, BASTARDO!!"
Vox quickly grabbed Val, murmured "Sorry," to Husk, and dragged him out of the casino, while Val is still protesting in Spanish.

"Well that was quite amusing. Shows over, everyone, the casino is closed." Husk sighed. Angel just stared, bewildered. He was still trying to process everything.
After everyone had left, it was only Angel and Husk left.
"So, you're Angel Dust, huh. I'm Husker. But just call me Husk." Husk took Angel's arm and kissed it politely. Angel Dust barely got treated with respect or affection before, and he was flustered.

Angel Dust would usually just start to flirt with every man he meets, but he was cautious about this one. Last time Angel fell in love with an overlord, he took advantage of it and made Angel sign that contract.
No, he must stay in Husk's good books.
As Husk ordered his employees to clean up the mess, Angel studied his face closely.
He looks very serious, and he looks like he knows how to deal with people like Val.
But he also looks very gentle and kind. Angel tried to shake these thoughts away. He couldn't be falling in love with a man just because he was polite to him, could he?

"As you just started here, you'll start working tomorrow," Husk told Angel.
A chain appears around Angel's neck, but its no longer hot pink like when he was owned by Valentino. It was now gold.
Angel flinched and dropped to the floor, with a terrified look on his face. But soon the chain disappeared, and a gold ring appeared on his finger instead. Husk held out a hand.

"Sorry," Husk apologized after Angel took his hand and stood up. "I should've asked ya first. Was Val a real bitch to you?"
"You don't know half of it," Angel groaned. "He tricked me into signing his contract years ago and i've been working for him ever since."
It isn't like Angel to immediately tell people about his backstory, but there was something different about Husk. He seemed like he would listen to Angel talk for hours.

"Well heres some rules. Ya want cash, or anythin' with a tag, i'll buy ya it. Don't be afraid to ask. Same thing if you want privacy. If someone's treatin' ya like shit, just tell me and i'll have them shot."
Husk paused to take a breath and Angel Dust stared at him with awe. Yep, he's definitely falling for this cat.

"Also, since you just moved here, i'll call one of my employees to give you a room." Husk went on. Angel Dust suddenly remembered something. "Wait!" Angel stopped walking.
"Yes?" Husk stopped too,
"Husk, can i get my stuff from the Vee Tower? Val didn't let me pack, because you know, because, his ass thought he was gonna win."
" 'Course. I'll call Vox later. Any more questions?"
"Well.. uhm.." Angel Dust hesitated. He was still kind of scared of his new boss.

"D-do you allow pets?" Angel Dust asked him hastily.
"Do you have a pet?" asked Husk.
"W-well.. i-i-.. uhmm.." Angel stammered.
"Yes. a pet pig."
"Well then ya should've said so, sweetheart. I'll ring Vox right away. Now get some rest, heres your room. Goodnight," Husk bowed politely and went on his way. Angel stared at him. And it suddenly occured to him, he was now safe. Away from Val, away from his porn industry, and Husk to keep him safe. Angel entered his room, feeling relief and also very flustered. This way a start of his new life.

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