3. Angel's first day.

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art by me

Angel woke up. Was last night just a dream? It must've been.

knock knock

Thats probably Val knocking on the door. Angel Dust still kept his eyes closed. It was a nice dream.

knock knock

"Alright, come in," Angel Dust muttered. He opened his eyes. He wasn't in his bedroom.

One of Husk's imp maids walked in.
"Hello, Sir. I need to clean this room. Go get changed, and eat breakfast, because the boss wants to see you." the maid said.
"Oh, okay. Thanks." Angel replied, smiling. It wasn't a dream.

After Angel changed to his usual clothes, an imp lead the way.

"So, how's the boss man like? I never really heard about him, besides the fact that he's an overlord that owns a casino." Angel asked the imp.
"Oh, he ain't that bad. In fact, most imps here offered to help Husk, because he's not that hard on his employees and they still get paid well." The imp told him. Angel stared.
"You guys get paid?" Angel asked again.
"Goodness, don't you? Yes, we all get paid. Oh, yes, i almost forgot. Since Husk owns you now, You're not an a film star anymore. You now work for Husk." the imp replied. He smiled at Angel's expression.
"Don't worry, you'll get used to it. Husk isn't hard on any of his employees. But you better not disobey him! He'll fuck you up, alright."

After Angel ate breakfast, he made friends with one of Husk's employees, and also the bartender. They were carefree and polite, with a good sense of humor too.
The employee was a woman named Agatha, and the bartender was a man named Cygnus. They told Angel a lot of things about Husk.

Agatha led Angel to Husk's office. Angel felt kind of nervous.
"Don't be afraid to ask him questions," Cygnus had told him."He looks like a fuckin' creepy guy, but its just his face, he's a big ol' softie."
Agatha nodded. "Husk is sure to know you aren't used to this environment. So don't be too scared."

Agatha whispered "Good luck," to Angel before she went on her way. Angel took a deep breath and knocked.

"Come in," came Husk's voice.
Angel opened the door, and looked around the office with much amusement. It's very big, with dark gold walls, a huge bookshelf, and pictures of all his employees and maids, and one or two pictures of Husk himself.

"Hoooly shiiit," Angel exclaimed, making Husk chuckle.
"Come and take a seat," Husk offered. Angel took a seat opposite of Husk, and Husk started asking a few questions, just to see what Angel's personality was like. He seems confident, and anyone who doesn't care to look twice may not see through it. But Husk did. Just like anyone, Angel was kind of nervous and cautious of his actions and words.

"I've heard that you know a lot about other overlords?" asked Husk. Angel nodded.
"Val never kept his voice down when speaking to the other Vees about secrets. And i so happen to hear them," Angel told him proudly.
"Well your work here ain't that hard," Husk told Angel. "Just a few paperworks."
"Thank you, sir." Angel thanked him politely. "But where do i do these?"
"In the library, down the hall. I take it you've met Agatha?" Husk asked.
Angel stared in bewilderment. How the fuck did Husk know that he'd met Agatha?
"Calm ya tits. I heard her voice from outside before you came here, and Agatha is the type of girl who'd befriend everyone she meets." Husk reassured Angel, grinning.
"Oh damn, alright. Thanks, sir." Angel grinned back at him. He went on his way.

Husk picked up his phone and dialed the Vees. Vox picked up.

"Hello, Vox here, are you interested in our new-" Vox started but Husk interrupted him.
"No, Vox, it's me, Husker."
"Oh god. Husk, i swear to god Val has been absolutely crazy ever since he gambled away Angel Dust." Vox told Husk.
"What? It's only been a day," Husk replied, surprised.
"You dumb bitch, didn't you know that Angel was one of his best workers?" Vox said, annoyed.
"Calm down, Vox. Besides, i called for a different matter, but still regarding Angel Dust." Husk told him, trying his best to swallow his anger.
"You wanna give Angel back?" Vox asked.
"No. What makes you think that?" Husk answered, clearly annoyed.
"Why do you even wanna keep him? You know, we've been losing our money ever since you took Angel, so we're willing-" Vox started.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP, VOX." Husk said sternly with anger boiling inside of him, making Vox jump.
"Anyways. I called because i wanted to take the stuff Angel has in your tower. Including his pet." Husk told him, more calmly.
"Oh, sure. Anything else?" Vox asked him, trying to keep his voice normal.
"No. My imps will be on the way soon. And i'll have them make sure that none of his stuff is left in your tower." Husk replied.
"Alrighty. Good day, Husker." And before Husk could answer, Vox ended the call.

Husk called some of his imps.

"I want you guys to go to the Vees' tower. Get Angel Dust's stuff, and his pet pig as well. Call me if anything happens." Husk ordered them.

A few hours later..

Husk knocked on Angel's door. Angel was in a call with Cherri Bomb.
"Wait up Cherri, i'll tell ya the story later. Bye-bye!" Angel ended the call. "Come in!"

Husk came in with two trunks, in one arm, and Fat Nuggets on the other. The pig looked around before spotting Angel and squealing.
"Nuggs!!" Angel exclaimed as the pig ran towards his owner. He picked the pig up and hugged him.
"Did ya miss me? I know you did!" Angel poked Fat Nuggets nose. "I'm so sorry i left you with Val there, babyyy!!"

Husk smiled with amusement to the sight of Angel laughing and hugging Fat Nuggets. He placed Angel's trunks beside Angel's bed, not taking his eyes off him. Angel caught the look and grinned.
"Thanks for allowing me to have my pet here, Daddy~" Angel said in a flirty way.
"Oh please. Call me that again and i'll get that pig out of here again," Husk warned him, his voice sounding stern but he's still smiling. Angel giggled.

"A-anyway, i have to go. Don't forget to bring your paperworks when your finished. Goodbye," Husk stammered and went out of the room.

Husk leaned against the wall.
"Damn that spider is cute," Husk thought. Wait, what was he thinking? He can't be falling in love. Nope, not happening, not again. He went on his way, with feelings mixed.

OVERLORD HUSK AU - Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now