6. More trouble

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"Valentino!?" Angel gasped. Quickly, Cherri dragged him and tried to hide him. But Valentino spotted him, and his smile grew wider.
Again, Vox was accompanying Valentino, but this time Velvette came too. They both look like they were forced to be there.

"Angelcakes!" Val called out, approaching him, going for a hug. Angel backed away.
"What the fuck are you doing here." Angel asked, his voice shaking slightly.
"To see you, baby. I miss you so much," Valentino replied. "Come back with me, won't you~?"
Angel didn't respond, he was lost for words.
"Please leave the casino," Cygnus said calmly, stepping in front of the shaking Angel.
"Oho! I see you've made a friend. That's cute." Val said, slyly.
"You've heard him, fucker!" Cherri said. "Leave him alone, you don't own him anymore."

"What on hell's name is going on here?" Asked a deep, intimidating. Everyone turned around. It was Husker, looking colder than ever.
"Husk," Vox approached him. "We didn't mean to cause trouble. Valentino has.. something to talk to you about."
"Yes, and we don't need to go to your shitty office," Val shoved Vox out of the way. Velvette catches him, almost dropping her phone.

"I would like to have Angel's soul back," Val said coldly.
"And what makes you think i'd be willing to?" Husk asked, just as cold.
"Listen, Husker." Valentino said. "What about 500,000 grand?"
Vox and Velvette gasped. Valentino keeps getting stupider.
"You kiddin'?" laughed Husk. "You're literally going to be poor."
"Not if we get Angel back. And we'd be willing to pay more, if you'd like."
Husk glanced at Angel, who looks horrified.
Angel was horrified, because one, thats a lot of fucking money. Two, why was Val this desperate to get him back? One things for sure, he doesn't want to go back to that shithole. Angel looked at Cherri, scared. Cherri looked shocked too.

"No," Husk responded. Everyone went silent, even most of the people in the casino, because a lot of them were watching this scene.

"No..? The fuck you mean, no?" Val chuckled.
"I mean no. No, i don't want to sell Angel Dust's soul." Husk replied calmly.
Valentino was lost for words.
"Look here, Husker." Vox said. "Imagine everything you can do with that much money. You surely aren't giving up on such an offer?"
"I am," Husk said, pleased at Valentino's reaction Valentino, however, felt far from pleased.
"You fucking bitch!" Val shouted suddenly,  making people jump.
"Hey, you can't get mad at a decision he made." Agatha said. "Now may you leave the casino, Mr. Valentino?"

Everyone was watching him. He had no choice but to leave. Cursing, he went to leave the casino, with Vox and Velvette in front of him. Everyone was relieved. Thank goodness he didn't made a scene.

But they were wrong. Right before leaving, Valentino walked past Angel Dust, who was trying to avoid looking at him. But Valentino noticed him, and without thinking, attacked him.
Everything happened so quickly everyone barely got to react when Valentino hurt Angel and tried to drag him. Both Velvette and Vox tried to stop him. Cygnus stepped in but Valentino shoved him aggressively, hurting Cygnus' wings.  Agatha catched him on time.
Cherri was ready to fight but Husk stepped in first, pushing Valentino so roughly he fell on the floor. Valentino grabbed Angel's arm and Angel fell too, but Husk caught him right on time, and carried him in a bridal style.

"DON'T," Husk shouted, spreading his wings with Angel on his arms.
Valentino, still on the floor, backed away hastily.
"Val," Velvette whispered. "We should go."
Valentino stood up and left the casino, walking with the help of Vox.

"Cygnus, are you ok?" Husk turned around to Cygnus.
"Yep," He said. "Just hurts a little. What about Angel Dust?"
Husk glanced at Angel with a worried look on his face.
"I'm sorry i couldn't act faster." Husk apologized.
"I.. It's okay." Angel said, avoiding eye contact. He tried to walk, but his legs couldn't handle the weight and he almost fell again. Husk catched him and beckoned one of his imps.
"Fritz, take him to his room. Bandage him up. I need to go." And after placing Angel down in a sofa, he walked away like nothing happened, appearing calm.

"I can finally see why people were scared of him," Angel Dust commented, making Cygnus chuckle.
Cherri ran towards Angel.
"Sorry i can't save you quick enough, Angie. If only i had acted quicker, i would've beat his ass" Cherri said warily.
"I know," Angel Dust laughed. "It's fine, Cherri. Come visit me next time. And i'll call ya later if ya aren't busy."
Cherri smiled, giving him a hug before leaving the casino.

Angel rubs his face and groaned. He was tired.
"Mr. Angel, you can't sleep here," said the imp, smiling. He helped Angel get up and helped him walk to his room.

In Angel's room, Angel Dust spotted Fat Nuggets and immediately scooped him up and hugged him, sighing with relief. He felt better. He got changed and picked up his phone.
News about Husk and Valentino spread fast. Turns out a lot of people were recording. Angel let out a little giggle looking at Husk defending him. Then he shivered, remembering Val's voice and grin. Nevermind, why would he remember that? He got Husk, Cherri, Agatha and Cygnus to protect him. And Angel will protect them too. He closed his eyes and went to sleep.

He woke up and checked his phone. 9 PM. He still hears people from outside playing in the casino. He got up and changed. Not in a dress, in a suit, but it  isn't different from what he usually likes to wear. He carried Fat Nuggets in his arms.

He went outside and walked around. Even though he's been in here for around 2 weeks, he still wasn't completely used to the casino yet. So he just walked around, looking at the pictures and paintings on the wall with amusement.
There was this one particular painting that caught Angel Dust's eye. It was a painting of Husker. He looked at it and suddenly felt guilty. He caused so much trouble in the casino. And he acts so weird around Husk.

"I thought you were asleep," Came a voice from behind Angel. Angel spun around to see it was Husk.
Husk wasn't wearing a suit, he was just wearing a white buttoned shirt, and wore gold glasses.

"Husk.." Angel started.
"You've been acting strange lately," Husk said, concerned. "Y'know ya can tell me anythin', right?"
"Well, the truth is.." Angel said. He took a deep breath. "I'm so fucking sorry i kissed you in the cheek like that yesterday,"
Angel Dust covered his face with one hand.

"Angel, I-" Husk started, but Angel interrupted him.

"I always do things without thinking! I'm fucking stupid."

"Angel, I don't really-"

"That's why Val gets pissed with me all the-"

"Angel Dust." Husk grabbed Angel's lower arms gently, making Angel quiet.
"Don't say that fucker's name infront of me," Husk told him sternly. "I'm okay, Angel. I don't think you're stupid. Just.." Husk rubbed his nose, blushing.
"Give me a damn warning."
Angel blushed. He nodded, smiling.
"Did'ja like it~?" Angel asked in a flirty tone.
"Oh shut up," Husk laughed. then he went silent and became serious again.
"I'm sorry for what that bitch did to you."
Angel didn't say anything. Husk went on.
"I'll make sure nothing like that happens again. Because from now on," Husk took Angel's arms again.
"I'll protect you."

There was a few silence before tears emerged from Angel's eyes.

"Woah, Angel," Husk said. "Are you-"

Before Husk could finish his sentence, Angel pulled Husk and hugged him tightly.

"Angel?" Husk asked quietly.
"Gimme a moment," Angel said, sniffing.
"Alright," Husk returned the hug. Angel started to sob.
"You sound like you needed that," Husk commented.
"Shutupp." Angel sniffed. Then he laughed, and Husk chuckled too.
"Now you don't need to work," Husk said patting Angel's arm. "You can go back to sleep."
Angel let Husk go and wiped his eyes.
"No problem, sweetheart."
Angel flushed slightly. Fat Nuggets, who decided that he liked this old cat, wiggled from Angel's arm and walked to Husk, rubbing his head against Husk's leg. Husk picked him up and patted him fondly.
"Cute lil' guy." Husk said.
"My son," Angel said proudly. "A few years ago, Val gave it to me so i could shoot extra. But he doesn't even ask now."
"Not now," Husk reminded him. "You're not his anymore."
"That's right, I'm yours now, Husky~" Angel said.
Husk rolled his eyes and placed Fat Nuggets. He looked at Angel again and smiled.
"See you tomorrow, Legs."
"Goodnight, Husk."

OVERLORD HUSK AU - Hazbin HotelWhere stories live. Discover now