9. Confessions

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Agatha and Cygnus were already in the bar. Angel Dust, who's already in his dress, saw them and waved. He walked over to her and sat down beside Agatha.
"You guys are ready early," Angel said.
"Well the casino only opens in the afternoon," Agatha said. "So we had to prepare everything."
"Speaking of work," Cygnus said, handing a drink to Angel. "Do you know anyone here named Anthony?"
"You're kidding, right? Anthony is my name." Angel said, surprised.
Agatha choked on her drink and Cygnus slapped her back.
"That was YOU?" Agatha said.
"Ohhhh shit, i forgot to tell you." Angel said, remembering.
"So Anthony is your real name?" Cygnus asked, a little shocked. "Then who is Angel Dust?"
"A name i got from Val, a few weeks after i started workin' with him." Angel said thoughtfully. "Come to think of it, it has been a long time. I don't know when was the last time anyone has called me Anthony."
"Well, ya want us to call you Angel or Anthony?" Agatha asked.
"Any is fine," Angel said, shrugging.
"Then i'll call you Angel in the meantime," Agatha said. "Cygnus?"
Cygnus stayed silent for a while.
"Well sure, i'm not sure i'll get used to calling you Anthony. Yeah, i'll call you Angel first. Then when i get used to it, i'll call you Anthony."
"Alright," Angel said, smiling.

The casino is now open. It looked like it was more crowded than usual. Angel was talking with some guests until suddenly, the music stopped.
"What the fuck? Am i going deaf?" asked one of the guests.
"Pretty sure someone turned off the music." Angel said. "It'll probably be turned on again later."
But it wasn't turned on.
"I'm gonna go check," Agatha said, hopping off her seat. Before she could walk a few steps, Husk approached the three, with a serious look.

"Not bad news?" asked Angel, concerned.
"No, not that much. But we won't be having any music tonight, cause it's malfunctioning."  Husk said. Then he nodded towards the stage. "Any of you know how to sing?"
"What about Cy? You said you know how to play the piano, right?" Agatha asked.
"Well, yeah, but not sing," Cygnus said.
Angel thought for a moment.
"Well, i can sing, but not that well," Angel answered.
"Better then nothing," Agatha said. "Don't be shy!"
"Alright, i'll sing," chuckled Angel.

Angel and Cygnus walked to the stage, and a few heads turned to them. Cygnus sat down and Angel stood in the middle of the stage.
Angel had to admit, he was kind of nervous. It's been a while since he sang in front of a bunch of people.
But as soon as the first few keys started playing and Angel started to sing, his nervousness vanished, and he sang with his whole heart.

Husk listened to Angel sing in awe. His voice really does sound nice. Husk really liked jazz and slow music.
As Angel was singing, an imp walked over to Husk.
"Sir, we've fixed the music already. Should we turn it on, or?"
"No," Husk said. "Not yet. Wait 'til he's done singing first."
"You got it."

After Angel finished singing, he was pleased to find a few people clapping. He turned his head to Husk and smiled. He waved his hand, as a signal for Angel and Cygnus to get off the stage.

"Holy shit! That was amazing!" Agatha said.
"Thanks!" Angel said. "So is that over, or?"
"Yeah, you're good. They fixed the music already." Husk assured him.
"Thank god! I'm thirsty as fuck. Cy, make me a drink!" Angel said, sitting down in the bar.

Husk was about to go back to his office but Angel called him.
"You knoww," Angel started. "Since i just sang earlier, can i take a break aaaand.. perhaps go shopping?"
"To buy what exactly?" Husk asked.
"Clothes n' stuff." Angel answered.
Husk sighed.
"Alright, but don't be back too late. And don't use that dress, you can still wear it tomorrow."
"Yes! Thanks, Husky!" Angel thanked Husk and went to his room. Husk slapped his face suddenly.
"Damn it! I forgot to ask about the contract." Husk groaned.
"The what?" Agatha asked.
"No, nothin', get back to work." Husk said, shooing her away.

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