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A hand caught my hair and I know who it was, obviously it's him. But, how did he come out?
I locked him inside, right?

I turned my face to look at him. He was fuming in rage.

"How dare you?", he said and dragged me inside the house.

"Vidu, enna.", I said but of no use.
(Leave me)

He threw me on the ground and closed the main door.

"Rombo smart huh behave pannadha. Nee enna lock pannitu oda try panna unnala escape aaga mudiyuma? Do you think I'm that much fool.", he said.
(Don't try to play smart. You thought if you lock me inside the house, you'll be able toe scape from me, is it?)

"Unnakaga enna pannala d naan? Ellame pannen unnakaga ana unnaku enna vitutu poguradhilla avlo enna sandhosam nu therla."
(What didn't I do for you? I did everything for you. I don't know what happiness you get by leaving me?)

"Chi, vaya moodu. Nee ennakaga ennalam pannanu kekurala, enna torture panna, trauma kudutha, avlo dhan. Ennaku unna pudikalanu sonna unnaku puriyadha?", I spatted these words.
(Shut up. You are asking me what all you did for me, right? You tortured me, traumatized me that's it. I'm saying I don't like you. Don't you get it?)

"Oh, really? Trauma kuduthena unnaku, naan? Enna d pannen apdi naan nee traumatize aaguradhuku."
(Oh really, did I give you trauma? What the heck did I do to traumatize you?)

"Should I remind you, everything?", I asked.

"No need. I have decided something. Ipdiye pona seri varadhu. Naan edhachum perusa pannanum which should remove the thoughts of leaving me from your mind.", he said.
(This won't do if it's like this. J have to do something huge which should remove the thoughts of leaving me from your mind.)

I was confused. He held my hand and dragged me to the room.

As soon as we entered the room, he left my hand and started searching for something.

He again took that packet with white powder and sniffed it.

I know he'll behave like an animal now. I tried to escape but of no use. He pushed me on the bed and went out locking the door from outside.

He came inside after a few minutes with something in his hand.

"What's that? Why are you holding that spatula in your hand?", I asked.

He didn't reply and grabbed my feet. I screamed in pain as soon as he kept that spatula on my feet. It was burning in fire.

He burnt my feet. I was crying in pain.

He didn't even look at me or try to console me.

To my another shock, I saw him removing his belt.

I looked at him in shock. With that, he approached me.

"Dev, don't do this to me. I'm sorry. Already, it's hurting and don't hit me with that belt.", I said.

He looked at me with confusion. Then, he sat near me and cupped my cheeks.

"Why would I hit you with this belt? Am I stupid or what? I will not do anything which will hurt you.", he said and tried to kiss me.

I tried to push him but he slapped me across my face and tried to choke me.

After sometime, he left my neck and I was gasping for air. I felt a sharp pain in my arm but didn't have the courage to check what it was. Few minutes later, I went into deep sleep.

Few hours later,

My head was aching and I felt it very difficult to open my eyes. It was like someone was hitting me with a hammer on my head. I didn't have the strength to sit straight. My feet were burning due to the burns. I held my head and slowly opened my eyes.

The first thing which my eyes saw was the ceiling. Then, I felt something heavy resting on my waist. I slightly raised my head and looked at it only to find a hand. Then, I turned towards my left to see Dev sleeping next to me.

Just then, I realised what had happened. I quickly sat up and covered myself with blanket. My lower abdomen was hurting.

"Did he rape me?", I asked myself.

I started crying thinking about my fate. Hearing my sobs, he woke up. He was shocked at first.

He sat up straight and asked, "What happened?"

"What did you do to me?"

"I didn't do anything.", he said.

"Then, why is my condition like this?", I asked.

He didn't reply.

"Did you rape me?", I asked.

"What? This is normal between couples. It's not rape.", he said s he pulled out a cigarette and started smoking.

"Shut up. It's marital rape. Why did you even do this to me? What did I do?"

"I admit that I was under the influence of drugs but even if I was in my senses I would have done the same. I did this because now you will not leave me. You'll stay with me no matter how much badly I'll treat you.", he said.

"In your dreams, bastard. I will file a case against you.", I spat.

Hearing that word, he slapped me, again.

"Don't you dare call me with that word. Got it?", he said.

"Bastard.", I said.

He pulled me by my hair and slapped me, again. This time I lost count. I didn't know how many times he slapped me.

Due to his continuous torture, I felt dizzy and became unconscious, again.

Hi guys, target hasn't been reached but still I'm uploading cause so many were asking for update.

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