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I woke up as the bright rays from the sun were disturbing my sleep. I sat on the bed holding my forehead.

I remembered everything which happened and my eyes moistened thinking about Vijay's disgusting thoughts.

How can he let a stranger molest his wife and derive happiness from it? Disgusting dog.

I saw him sleeping next to me, soundly.

I wanted to kill him then and there, itself by strangling his neck but I dobt want to go to jail.

I felt disgusted looking at his face.

"God, please kill this monster. He is a burden to this earth.", I prayed to God.

I'll be the first person on this earth who'll be happy if her husband dies.

I entered into the washroom to freshen up. Just then, my reflection caught my attention.

There was a band-aid on my forehead. Oh yeah, I got hurt, yesterday.

Wish I died yesterday. Alas!!!

I quickly had a bath and changed into comfortable clothes.

I was sitting near the window, gazing aimlessly. Just then, I felt a pair of hands wrapping around my waist.

Who it would be? It's him.

"Good morning.", he said kissing my cheeks.

"Good morning.", I said. I didn't like him, hugging me. I felt very uncomfortable. If I say something against him, again he'll do something disgusting like yesterday. So, I stayed mute.

The pair of hands loosed around my waist and he quickly turned me towards him.

"What are you even wearing?", he asked.

"Churidhar.", I said.

"No, from today you'll wear only sarees when I'm around. Ok?"

What's wrong with this psycho?

"Ok.", I said.

He was looking at me without breaking the ey contact.

I raised my eyebrows.

"What are you looking for? Why are you standing here? Didn't you get what I said, a few seconds ago?"

"I said ok, I'll wear sarees from now on."

"Then, go and change instead of standing, here."

I was curisng him under my breath and grabbed a saree and changed into it, quickly.

I came out and he looked at me.

"Beautiful.", he said as he tucked my hair behind the ears.

"One more thing, wifey. I have a surprise for you, tonight. Be ready.", he said.

"What's he talking about?", I was tensed.

8 hours later,

I heard a knock on the door.
I was scared. Is Vijay knocking on the door?

I slowly opened the door and to my relief, it was the maid.

"Ma'am, sir told me to give this to you and he told me to inform you that you should wear this and wait for him in the room.", she said and handedover a box to me.

I nodded and closed the door.

With shivering hands, I opened the box. I prayed that there should not be any explicit revealing dress, inside.

I was relieved as soon as I saw the outfit.

I was relieved as soon as I saw the outfit

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