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Shrika's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes and scanned the room.

My body was completely aching and I was not able to get up. I was laying down on a bed.

I didn't know where I was but the room had dim lights. Something was beeping near my head.

My stomach was hurting like anything and I didn't know the root cause of it. With much difficulty, I sat on the bed. There was an IV attached to my hand. That's when, I scanned my surroundings and to my utter shock, I was inside the hospital.

I was processing what exactly happened before ending up, here. But, I wasn't able to recall anything. I remember hugging him.

Dev? Where is he?
Whole I was processing these thoughts, someone unlocked the door.

"You're awake? How are you feeling, now?", the nurse asked me.

"Yes, I'm fine. Where am I and what happened to me?", I asked.

"Ma'am, you were admitted in the hospital because you consumed poisoned food. It's a miracle that we were able to save you.", she said.

"What? Poisoned food? How? When was I admitted, here?", I asked.

"Two days, ago, ma'am.", she said.

"What? And, Dev? Where is he?"

"Dev? Who's it?", she asked.

"I mean, what about Vijay Devarakonda?", I asked.

"I can't reveal that, ma'am. You'll get to know about it, soon.", she said and left.

After sometime, I was provided some food and I was having it when the door flung open. There were two police officers.

"How are you, ma'am?", he asked.

"I'm fine.", I said.

"What happened, sir? Is everything fine?", I asked.

"We would like to enquire you."

"Why, sir?"

"Who are you and how did you end up in actor Vijay Devarakonda's house?", he asked.

"Sir, what are you asking all this?", I asked.

"Give me an answer. Don't ask stupid questions."

"I won't answer. I wanna meet Dev. Let him come, here and then, he'll explain everything."

"Ma'am, kindly co-operate and please tell us who you are and where you're from."

I got to know that its of no use arguing with them. So, I agreed to their demand.

"Ok. I'm Shrika from a middle class family. I'm from TamilNadu. Dev fell in love with me and proposed me. I didn't accept his proposal at first. Later, we both got married in his farm house. So, I'm his wife. Shrika Devarakonda.", I said.

Those officers were shocked to know that he was married.

"Ok, so it's true. We searched your house and we got your marriage certificate. We thought it's fake but now, it's evident. Did he forcefully married you?"

"Yes, sir but I wasn't ready for marriage at that time. He insisted me to marry him asap, so I had to agree.", I said.

"Did he abuse me after marriage?", he asked.

"No, sir.", I said, hesitantly.

"It's a lie. We have enquired already and you were admitted in the hospital, two months ago."

"Yes, sir. That true and I got admitted because I had an abortion not because of any physical abuse.", I said.

"Ok, so why did you consume posioned food? Was it a suicide attempt?", he asked.

"What? No, sir. I never consumed any poisoned food. I don't know how I ended up, here. I promise, I know nothing about this."

"Is it? What do you remember before passing out? What food did you have?"

"We had the food brought by Reddy's wife. That's it."

"Who's Reddy?"

I explained him who he was and what he did, how he got fired by Dev, etc.

"Ma'am, you gave us a hint. Thank you very much.", he said.

"What did you say to Dev Sir, finally?"

"I didn't say anything, sir. He was very depressed on that day because news channels were bashing him, calling him a flop actor. I was consoling him.", I said.


"If you don't mind, can you tell me what exactly is happening now and I want to see Dev, where is he?", I asked.

"Sorry, ma'am. We have to inform you with a heavy heart that Dev sir is no more. He passed away, two days ago.", he said.

My mind went blank and everything around me, stopped.

I was not able to process his words. Tears started flowing down from my cheeks.

"No, you're lying. My Dev is alive. Don't utter such words, sir.", I said.

"No, ma'am. It's true. He's no.."

"No, please. I cannot tolerate this. He's mine and he cannot leave me. Please.", I said.

Just then, a nurse entered the room and told the officers to leave the room.

I laid on the bed, thinking about Dev. How can he leave me?

I cannot live without him. He's my life.

3 more chapters and the book will get over. Please, vote.

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