Chapter 1: Starting Fresh

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Today was my first day m0ving to the vibrant city of Bubble Vegas. I loved the beautiful night life on the streets and my friend Soa happens to be a really popular streamer on the FoamSwitch app.

I had wanted to leave my boring life back at (C/N). I used to work at (J/N) for the past 5 years and it was really emotionally draining, and it took the life out of me.

When Soa took me on a vacation to her high-rise at Bubble Vegas, I almost felt like I was dreaming.

It looked like something out of a BubbleWood movie, and I saw how many people were laughing and enjoying themselves to the point that it made me feel revitalized and full of positive energy.

So, I packed my bags and left (C/N) and moved to a luxury (F/C) penthouse with (F/C) floors and an extra-large swimming pool with another pool inside of it.

Soa dropped the rest of my baggage in my room and came outside with the finest bottle of champagne.

"Y/N! I'm so happy that you finally left your old job to come live with your bestie!" Soa cheered as she shook the bottle.

I laughed and did a silly dance under the spray of the champagne.

"Me too Soa, my old boss and coworkers were so boring and mean. They would make me spend countless hours doing meaningless and redundant tasks only for me to then clean up my coworker's mistakes", I sighed, rolling my eyes from the thought of them.

"Well now that you live down the street from me, we don't have to worry about any of that! Have you heard of this championship at the bubble bowl stadium called Smash the Star?" Soa asked.

"Yes! I've seen you play in multiple games and your squads won every time because of how clutch you are", I smiled as I went to sit on the couch in the lounge.

"That's great! What do you think about becoming your own FoamStar and teaming up with me and my squad to catch the W?" Soa asked with an eager smile.

"Hmm, I'm not really sure. While it looks like a very fun game, I just feel like I won't be as strong as you are, Soa".

I sighed as I drank a bit of the champagne.

"Besides, I kinda want to get comfortable here first before I do anything strenuous like the Bubble Bowl. I mean I just left a stressful life back at home".

Soa frowned a bit but then her face lit up with an idea.

"How about this, you can take a month to get settled into your new life at Bubble Vegas and when you're ready, I can teach you how to be the best FoamStar ever!"

"That sounds like a great idea, I'm definitely gonna do that!" I smiled brightly.

"Yayy!" Soa cheered as she popped a party popper.

We finished celebrating my arrival to Bubble Vegas for 3 more hours and then Soa went home. I took a 20-minute shower to wash the sticky champagne and my old dainty and boring life down the drain.

"Maybe life isn't so bad after all", I thought.

I got in bed and went fast to sleep.

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