Chapter 5: Invasion of the Bubble Beasties

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It was 4 am in the morning and my phone was blowing up like crazy.

"What is with all the commotion?!" I yawned as I opened my phone.

Agito sent 20 messages and 10 calls between 12am and 3:45 am frantically asking me where I was and if Rave Breaker hurt me.

"Poor Agito, I got him worried sick," I said to myself.

In the midst of me texting Agito, the lounge screen came on with a BVN news report.

"Multiple hordes of bubble beasties are overrunning Bath Vegas and are headed towards the city's four bubble cores!!"

"Wait WHAT?!"

The news screen started to malfunction as a dark-skinned man with pink coils and a big foam gun came on screen.

"This is Jet Justice! Protector of Bath Vegas, and we need your help! The bubble beastie herds are coming in rapidly and I–can't ho— them mu–".

The screen was glitching out and then it cut off.

"I need to find Agito and the others FAST!"

I jumped up and hurriedly put on my (F/C) FoamStars outfit and quickly styled my (H/C) hair into long bouncy curls.

I put on my high heeled (F/C) sneakers and ran straight to the Champagne elevator.

Rave Breaker was pacing frantically until he hurriedly grabbed my wrist and took me into his car.

He then floored the gas as he zoomed down to the city's bubble core and there I saw Agito with Jet Justice and the Bubble Vegas Police Department fighting the bubble beasties.

We hurriedly ran over as Rave used his gun hose to foam up the beasties in his decontamination foam.

"I'm here Agito! What is going on?!" I panicked as I pulled out my foamstar foam gun.

"There was this tiny alien sheep rambling about how they were going to destroy Bubble Vegas and out of sharkwere there was a school of Bubble Beasties heading straight to the cores!"

Agito shouted as he threw his shuriken at the large sheep bubble beastie.

"Now is not the time for small talk guys, we need to fend off these beasties before Bubble Vegas turns into Foam!"

Justice shouted as 8 sheep bubble beasties came at him.

"Right! This shark's looking for a kill!" Agito taunted as he threw another shuriken at a huge penguin beastie.

A few hours later, all of the bubble beasties were eliminated, and the sun was slowly rising. But it was far from over.

The next wave of beasties was coming back later on tonight, so we only have 12 hours to prepare and fortify the energy cores for their next attack.

Me and Agito crashed back at my place and fell asleep on the couches in the lounge.


We woke up at 12:12 pm and the sun was shining brightly.

Agito sat next to me and pulled me in for a bear hug.

"Y/N, you had me so worried about you! Did that crazy germaphobe lunatic hurt you again?!"

Agito's voice cracked a bit from exhaustion.

I returned the hug and reassured him that I was okay.

"Umm, I bought you something a-a-and I'm w-wondering if you m-m-might like i-i-it", he stuttered as his cheeks turned pink.

"Ooh! I'm excited to see what it is!" I beamed while clapping my hands in excitement.

Agito reached in his bag and pulled out a small fish bag with 4 orange koi fish.

"AWW AGITO!! YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE!!" I squealed as I pulled out a large fishbowl and filled it with water.

"I b-bought these f-f-fish from the pet store because it r-r-reminded me of how b-b-beautiful you looked in your k-koi themed mermaid p-p-princess c-c-c-costume", he stuttered while he thought about some interesting things about me.

"YOU'RE THE BEST SHARK BOY EVER 'GITO!!" I cheered as I released the fish into the fishbowl.

I sat back next to him in the lounge, and we invited Soa to come dance with us until we had to prepare.


Meanwhile, in a certain underground bunker...


Rave was in his private quarters surrounded by photos and papers with his bulletin board tracker of his plan to get rid of Espuma.

He had a small dresser next to his bed where he kept his journal of his thoughts, ideas and plans.

"What is this girl doing to me?! Surely, I'm not attracted to her, she just wants to distract me from my goal of purifying the world from filthy revelers!"

He wrote as he flipped the page to a questionable sketch of Y/N in a (F/C) strapless dress.

He was embarrassed and quickly closed the journal.

"I need to decontaminate my own thoughts first before I decontaminate the revelers..." he growled as he checked his computer for any updates.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" He roared.

He clicked on Agito's BubbleGram photo of Y/N being kissed by him on her cheek and was enraged.


Rave threw a silver dart at the picture of Y/N hanging on his board.

He then started to laugh hysterically as he grabbed his foam cannon.

"Oh, I'll show you... Shark Boy..."

He ripped the photo of Y/N off from his board and tossed his journal in the trash.

"It's time to home in the foam!"

He got into his car and started to shift the gears.

"They'll catch my drift soon, germs".

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