Chapter 10: My Final Decision

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It was 5 in the morning, and it was still dark outside. My head and my heart were arguing like an old married couple on who I should be with.

I got up, pulled out my (F/C) gilded edge journal and mind dumped anything and everything into the book.

I had 20 pages worth of the argument in my head with a pros and cons list for Rave and Agito.

"Well, that is one way to solve a problem", I remarked as I looked at the sun slowly rising.

I put on some (F/C) walking clothes with matching (F/C) shoes and took the champagne elevator downstairs.

I went for a 2o minute walk to clear my mind as I listened to some ambient music and let myself wander and get lost.

An hour later it was 7am and the sun's rays were three fourths over the horizon producing a beautiful golden orange hue.

I went to grab myself a coffee at the Master's coffee house and surprisingly saw the Baristador serving the customers.

"Good Morning Miss Y/N, it's a pleasure to see you this early in the day", he greeted me while making my usual order.

"Mr. Baristador, I never knew that you owned a coffee shop. Let alone a FoamStar salon", I replied with intrigue.

"Well, I must say, I am one hell of a businessman", he smiled as he handed me my hot French vanilla swirl coffee.

"Don't worry about payment Miss Y/N, this one is on the house. You've already paid me enough for my salon services so consider the rest of your coffee purchases free".

"Why thank you Mr. Baristador! How could I ever repay you!" I responded with the biggest smile.

"The pleasure is mine Miss Y/N, please, have a good day", he took a bow as I bid him farewell.

I left the coffee shop and took the 20-minute walk back to my house. There were no tournaments being held for the next month and all of the bubble beasties were completely gone.

The bubble cores were still intact with the Mayor of Bubble Vegas announcing that the city is paying 5 million dollars for metal protection domes for the cores.

The city was at peace again and the parties were even more loud and vibrant than before at night.

As the day went on, I still was at war with myself as to who I want to be with the most.

Despite Rave's toxic behavior and him trying to kill me, I reflected on how we made an emotional connection when we shared familiar backstories of us being isolated and shunned from society.

I got to see and briefly cherish the soft side of him under that cold, hard rock shell he had.

I thought about the night with Espuma and the call with Soa and I empathized and reflected on the pain that I caused him.

Sure, trying to kill me was wrong but... I understand why he did it and I can honestly say that I would do the same if someone were to play with my emotions and sleep with my worst enemy.

But then I thought about Agito. Sweet, innocent playful Agito who grew a crush on me when we first met.

The way we kissed each other on that beautiful sunny afternoon and how he bashfully ran away in embarrassment.

The beautiful koi fish he bought me as a present. Our wild, silly karaoke night singing and making up lyrics to Baby Shark and Under the Sea.

And most of all, how he cared for me,  loved me and even when I fucked up with Espuma and eventually got hospitalized by Rave, he came back for me and rallied my friends to give me the support I needed to wake up from the 3-month coma.

I made him a promise to protect myself from Rave even if that meant to not see him again despite my feelings for him. This was a very tough decision.

I heard my phone buzz as I checked my messages. There were two people texting me. One was from Agito, and the other was from a blocked email address, but from the preview I already knew that it was Rave.


"Hey Y/N! Are you doing anything tonight? I want us to play this new fighting game that I think you'd really enjoy".


You're still mad at me? FINE! But you can't run away from me forever Y/N. I still haven't said the words yet.

"I have to make a choice..." I told myself.

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