Chapter 9: A Squeaky-Clean Slate

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It has been 2 weeks since I was in the hospital and life is sweet like MelT's ice cream. Soa and Agito took me to the Bubble Vegas Carnival, and we rode the Sharknado rollercoaster, the spinning bubble dome and we even rode the famous Suddy's FoamoWheel.

3 days later, I saw Jet Justice and Coiff Guy at the Bubble Bowl Arena and I was a 6-time FoamStar Champion coming 2nd place under Bublo Espuma.

I made new friends, signed a lot of autographs and did fan meetups at the Bubble Vegas mall. Even the Kitty Geisha at Akimbo Akindo recognized me and gave me a huge 50% discount on all items at her store.

After coming home from a long shopping trip with Soa, MelT and Tonix, we all came to my place and relaxed in the pool area of my lounge.

MelT was in my kitchen preparing icy cold bowls of orange cream and French vanilla ice cream with sprinkles. I was busy playing Marco Polo with Soa and Tonix and unexpectedly, my phone buzzed with a text.

"I'll be right back guys, my phone just rang," I told them as I got out of the pool to dry off.

I dried my wet hands on my (F/C) beach towel and quickly checked my phone. There was a suspiciously familiar text under an unknown phone number with them calling my phone 4 times on the call log.


???: Y/N, I missed you. I hope you're doing okay....

???: You probably won't forgive me for what I did to you but I decided to give it a shot anyway.

???: I just wish that I could make it up to you.... Clean and decontaminate my own mess, hoping that you'll give me another chance....

???: I lost my mind that day because I was so hurt by what I heard on the radio when you talked to Soa.... I never meant to try to kill you.... I swear by my life on that....

???: I know you're probably still upset and don't want to talk to me ever again, but I just wanted to confess that I.......

???: 01101001 00100000 01101100 01101111 01110110 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101


"That was fucking weird...." I cursed.

"Everything alright Y/N?" Tonix asked as she dried herself off.

"It's him again, and I fucking hate him so much..." I muttered and gave her the phone while Tonix read the messages.

"How does he still have your number? Did you give it to him?"

"Tonix I never gave him my number at all, I don't know how he got my number and I just think it's fucking weird", I shrugged.

Tonix had a devious idea.

"Y/N, want me to tell him to fuck off?" She giggled menacingly.

I perked up with a mischievous smile and nodded, giving her the go ahead.

Tonix smirked and pressed the voice note button.

"Rave, Tonix here. Y/N doesn't want to be bothered by your presence anymore. She doesn't want to be around potential serial killers who are also germophobic neat freaks who are arrogant assholes at the same time. Please stop calling and texting her and lose her number. Thank you", she stopped the recording and tapped the send button.

I laughed out loud and gave Tonix a high five and a playful punch on her shoulder.

"It's ice cream time everyone!!" MelT chimed as we all got ourselves dry and grabbed our bowls.

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