3| club and drinks

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Author's POV

Aanya composed herself as she looked into the direction where Aarav went. She slapped her head for being lost for a guy and took the book she wanted. She returned back to her table where she saw a post it stuck on her book's front page.

I'll be waiting in the cafeteria in lunch break in case you wanna see me <3

The note read. Aanya took it before crushing it and throwing it in the dustbin. She didn't want to distract herself by involving guys in her life. Her life was already messed up. She didn't want to mess more with it.

Vineet, who saw Aarav coming back to court, smirked in his direction. It was as if he knew something really spicy. Or maybe he was planning something.

Vineet and Aanya have hated each other's guts from primary school. They were always in same place. Be it school or junior college, they always had same choice but both of them had very different personalities.

Where one was fun-loving and jovial, other was cold and rude. Vineet was very out-going person. He always mingled with people easily, never had any problems in making friends or socializing. On the other hand, Aanya was a reserved person. She always faced problems in making friends. The only friend she ever made became her enemy a couple months later.

This always made her fear socializing. However, as she grew older, she learned how to back answer people, how to put people in their place. She was the type of person who had anger on the tip of their nose. She was cold to people many times. The only person who broke her walls was Vineet.

He never left a chance to annoy her. However, it was always in a limit. He knew when to stop and when to annoy. Though, Aanya was his enemy, he could not go out of his humanity to hurt her. Aanya was a type of person who would get annoyed quite easily. Hence, he need not put efforts into annoying her.

Currently, Aanya was going through accounts material and studying for her exam. Meanwhile, Vineet was busy in his coaching for basketball. Soon, when it was half an hour left for the exam, Aanya decided to pack her things and leave library. She came out and was walking towards the locker room to put away her stuff. Since the stuff in her hands was so much for her to handle, she started losing her balance. But before she could fall, she felt a hand on her lower back preventing from landing on the floor.

She looked up only to find Vineet holding her with one hand looking dead straight into her eyes. For a moment, she forgot that he was her sworn enemy. He was lost in her eyes for a moment, But then he remembered her deeds and soon anger took over him. He left her which resulted in her falling. Her fall made her heavy textbooks fall on her feet and left hand.

She yelped in pain before glaring at Vineet. "You idiot! Don't you have basic mannerism?! Do you think it's appropriate for you to leave me just like that?!!" Aanya shouted on top of her lungs.

Vineet paid no heed to her words and let out a deep sigh before closing his eyes. He opened his eyes and looked at her for a brief moment before turning away and walking ahead. Aanya was so pissed at the inattentive behavior of this brat. She could not leave her exam or she would've ran behind him and pulled his hair until he went bald.

She just stomped her feet before bending down to pick her books up. She saw a hand helping her. She looked up to see Aarav bent down picking her books up. She heard gasps of people around her. All the students knew that Aarav Malhotra was a baddie and never listened to anyone.

Aanya could care less about his popularity. For her, he was just a friend of her enemy. And she hated Vineet. Seeing Aarav helping her and the murmurs of people around her, she could not control her anger anymore.

"WHAT DO YOU AND YOUR FRIEND THINK OF YOURSELVES HUH?! DO YOU THINK YOU HELPING ME WOULD MAKE ME FALL FOR YOU??!! LISTEN HERE YOU IDIOT! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THE SENTENCE 'LEAVE ME ALONE'?!!" Aanya let her anger out at him. Aarav, along with other people present in the corridor, were perplexed with her outburst.

"Listen I-" Aarav tried to say something but Aanya cut him off. "I don't want your explanation alright?! Just stop coming after me!!" Aanya said taking her books away from his hand and walking away. She went to the locker room but the murmurs didn't stop. She seriously wanted all of this to end.

She wanted her sufferings because of Vineet to end. She wanted all the attention she was getting just because two hot guys of campus talked to her, to end. She was a reserved person and like hell she hated being the center of attraction.

But she knew all of this will end with today's end. It was the last exam of her secondary education, which meant that from tomorrow she does not have to come to this exhaustive place look at the idiotic creatures. She let out a deep sigh, before making her way towards the exam hall.

After exam, Aarav tried approaching Aanya, but Aanya just dismissed him. She quickly packed all her stuff from her locker so that, for anything, She would not have to come back here. As soon as she packed everything, she quickly rushed out of the campus.

Vineet, who witnessed her rushing out, pulled out his phone and dialed a number. "She's out of the main campus....yea...ok I'll follow her." He cut the call and went towards the parking lot. He started his car, in order to follow her.

Vineet's POV

This girl will make me lose my hair one day. I don't even understand why I always agree to her dad when he asks me to take care of his troublesome daughter. Even now, when he asked me to get her back safely, I agreed. WHY??!!!

That girl is nothing but a trouble in my life. Yea I know I am elder to her but that doesn't mean I have to babysit her every time. Right now, I am in my car behind her cab. Soon enough, the cab driver pulled over in front of her house and she got out. After making the payment, she went in.

I sighed and called her dad. "Hello uncle? She reached home." I said and heard him let out a deep sigh. "Thank you so much Vineet beta. I know that you both don't get along, but still you're doing this. I am very grateful to you." Uncle said.

Whatever that girl has done, I cannot neglect the fact that she is my father's best friend's daughter. Though she hurt me a lot, still, my respect and love for uncle is much beyond that.

He has always been there for me when my dad was not. My dad was a businessman and never was he home when I needed him. It was uncle who took care of me. The fact that I am her dad's best friend's son, is hidden from Aanya.

She is aware that her dad's best friend has a son but she doesn't know that its me. I never disclosed it to her. I always thought that she knew me, until one day when she praised her dad's best friend's son not knowing it's me.

This happened long ago when we were friends. I sighed not wanting to remember that horrible day.

"It's ok uncle. I respect you a lot and would do anything you ask me for." I replied back to him before bidding him bye. I then called Aarav, my best friend. "Hey bro! Up for the plan?" He asked as soon as the call connected. "Of course! the regular." I replied before driving away from there.

My friends and I usually go to clubs and bars for weekends. Since today, officially our junior college has come to an end, we decided to party and drink in our usual club. I drove there and entered in after parking my car.

"Hey guys wassup!" I said as soon as I met them. We sat together on a sofa and ordered drinks for ourselves. The club was lit tonight. There were many people here today, dancing, drinking, making out and stuff. I picked a vodka shot and gulped it in a go.

"Nah bro. One shot does not do justice. Here have this whole." Aarav said handing me a full bottle. I just chuckled taking the bottle from him. I opened and just as I took a sip, I spit it out.

"What the hell is she doing here?!!!"

Heyy all! Thank you for 1K views on Premasthak.

Thank you so much to everyone reading my books but please do vote and comment. It motivates me to write further.

love you all.

yours Nyraa.

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