16|Emotions and comfort

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Vineet's POV

'Adoption confirmation'

This...this can't be true.....

I didn't know how I actually felt at this moment. I came here to find the person who destroyed my love life, but instead I find out that I'm actually adopted. These papers clearly mention that I am adopted.

So this is true. I felt like the floor beneath my legs didn't exist anymore. So my whole existence was actually a lie. I'm not their son. That's why they never cared about me. The adoption papers in my fist were getting crushed by my hold, but that wasn't my concern. I left everything and went and sat in my car.

I directly went to my private office or better call it the place where the actual investigation takes place. I went in and placed the safe and the crushed papers on the table and took a moment to calm my emotions.

It fucking hurts so bad to know that the people who you thought were your parents your whole life are actually not your parents. I couldn't calm myself, no matter what I do, I can't calm myself. And at this moment, the only thing I could think about right now was being in Aanya's arms.

Without thinking twice, I called Aanya. It was almost midnight. There was a high chance she would cut the call on my face but I don't care. I need to hear her voice.

"Hello" Aanya spoke in a sleepy voice. I couldn't control my emotions the moment I heard her. My tears, that I was holding for so long, flowed on their own. "Pe.. penguin" I called her in a shaky voice. "Winnie?" I heard the name she has given me and broke down. She is the only one who knows how to calm me. "Penguin I... I'm not.." I sluttered so bad. I couldn't speak even a word correctly. "Winnie, calm down love. Don't say anything ok? I'm coming there. Just on your location in your phone. I'll be there, ok love?" She said and I just cried even more.

She cut the call and I closed my eyes. The moment I close my eyes, I see their faces, the faces that are filled with complete hatred for me. I always thought they loved me but couldn't give me time because they were busy. Turns out, I'm not even their blood whom they'll atleast acknowledge.

I was thinking all this and was not in a state to think about anything rational when a thought crossed my mind- how about I end my life? Aanya will also be happy that I'm finally gone. My mom will not have to hide from me anymore, and dad, I can finally meet him up in the heaven and ask him, why did he do this to me?!

Can I even call them my parents? I guess I can't. They are not my parents. I'm not their child. They don't love me. All of sudden two soft hands wrapped around me and all the thoughts in my brain froze. I finally felt at peace the moment I inhaled the most familiar scent.

Her. She is the only person in this whole wide world who has the power to shut down all my thoughts. I didn't open my eyes and just felt her arms.

Aanya's POV

I was sleeping but my heart was not at peace. I felt uneasy fir some reason. The urge to call Vineet and ask him if he's fine was so strong that I picked up my phone and dialed his number and was about to hit the call button when his name popped up on the screen.

I didn't want it to seem as if was awake so I faked a sleepy voice and answered him. But the moment I heard his shaky voice, I got out of the bed in a hurry and quickly took my car keys. I checked his location and it was a warehouse.

I was driving very fast, I didn't care about signals or crossovers. The only thing that I could think of was Vineet. His shaky voice, calling for me, was the only thing I could hear. He needs me.

I reached there and saw him sitting on the ground with eyes close and tears flowing through his  closed eyes. I went and hugged him close to my heart. "Winnie, calm down." I kept whispering in his ears while keeping him close.

I wonder what has happened that he's suddenly crying like a baby in arms. I hope everything is okay. I didn't question him anything and just kept hugging him. I let him cry and let out everything he's been holding in himself.

I know him enough to know that he never cries. No matter what happens, he never let a tear slip out of his eyes. Him crying like this, like a small baby, definitely means something really unexpected and bad has happened.

I was zoned out and patting his head and back while being lost in thoughts that I didn't notice when he fell asleep. He looked the same like 4 years ago, just like a small baby. My baby. I know he hates me but I can't stop loving him.

Love is something that doesn't happen everytime. It's a beautiful feeling that can happen only once in life and I've fallen in love with this man sleeping in my arms like a baby. He's my only love and will always be. I love him so much that for his happiness, I can let him go.

I looked around this place and it didn't have any bed. It was just filled with tables and chairs. There was a wall full of papers and markings made on it. As much as my curiosity kicked in to just go and see the investigation, I'm a lawyer and looking at someone's work without their permission is very wrong.

I decided to somehow carry him to my car and take him to my home. He'll sleep there peacefully. I pulled him up and this heavy fell again. After sometime I gave up and decided to just wake him up and tell him to walk up to my car.

I tapped his face and tried waking him up but I forgot this man sleeps as if he died and will have new birth once he wakes up. I know a great way to wake him up. *Hehehehe (evil smile)*

I opened the first 3 buttons of his shirt so that his chest is visible to me. Once I opened his shirt- "AAAAAAAHHH!!!!" Vineet screamed on top of his lungs. "WTF!  Penguin who the hell wakes a person by pinching their nipples??!!! Have you lost your mind?" He kept lecturing me while I just kept laughing as he was still massaging his nipples.

"Stop laughing." He said in a stern voice. "Alright. I'm not laughing now will you please get into my car?" I said to him sweetly. "Why? Where are we going?" He asked. "My house. Or I can just drop you to your house." I said realising now that he's awake he can just go to his house.

"Uhm.. I'll go home on my own. You should go back home. Shikha must be alone." He said and I realised Shikha is in my house. "Ouh yes!" I said. "I'll go now. You take care okay?" I told him and turned to leave. "Umm... Can you just forget what happened a while back?" He asked and I looked at him. I know he's talking about him crying in my arms.

"About what?" I asked acting clueless. "I know you know what I'm talking about." He said sounding frustrated. "Okay chill." I said and turned around to leave.

I love him.

Hey all!
Here's the next chapter. Sorry I couldn't post it yesterday as I was busy handling some personal issues.

Do vote and comment to let me know you are enjoying the story.

Yours Nyraa.

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